Jyoti Ohri (Head of Department)

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    B.Tech (Electrical Engg., RECK), M.Tech (Control System , RECK), PhD ( N.I.T. Kurukshetra)
Email:    ohrijyoti@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233382
Area of Interest:   

Areas of Current Interest
Robotics Control, Robust and adaptive control, intelligent control, Optimization

 Lillie Dewan

Designation:    Professor (HAG)
Qualification:    Ph.D. 2001
Email:    l_dewan@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:     +911744233379 , 9416220341
Area of Interest:   

Control ( Adaptive and Robust), Instrumentation, Biomedical signal Processing


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Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D
Email:    glpahuja@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    233371 , 9896078282
Area of Interest:   

Reliability and System Engineering, Fault Tolerant Systems, Reliability Importasnce Analysis.

 Ashwani Kumar

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    B. Tech. (EE) GBPUAT Pant Nagar,1988, M. E. (Power Systems) PEC PEC Chandigarh, 1993, Ph.D., IIT Kanpur, 2003
Email:    ashwani.k.sharma@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233389 , 09416366091
Area of Interest:   

Areas of Current Interest, Research Activities, and Future Plans of Academic and Research activities

Areas of Specialization and current Interest:

Power Systems, Power Systems Restructuring, Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Systems, Renewable energy integration issues in deregulated power systems, Micro Grid and Smart Grid, Demand Side Management, energy management, and Ancillary Services

 Ratna Dahiya

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:     P.hD
Email:    ratna_dahiya@yahoo.co.in
Phone No:    01744-233378
Area of Interest:   

Power Electronics, Facts, Power System Stability and Dynamics , Micro-grid

 Lalit Mohan Saini

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    B. E. (Electrical), M. Tech. (Ec and CE), Ph. D.
Email:    lmsaini@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9416137773
Area of Interest:   

(Analog, Digital, Power) electronics, Embedded systems and application, Power system, Biomedical Engineering and Power Electronics.

 J.S. Lather

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    B.E., M.Tech., PhD
Email:    jslather@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:     +911744233387, 9467500101
Area of Interest:   

Robust Control of Time Delay Systems, Networked Control Systems, Coop Control in Multi Agent Sys, Machine learning applications


Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    B. Tech. M. Tech. Ph. D.
Email:    sathans@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +911744233390 , +919416334934
Area of Interest:   

Control System, Intelligent Controllers, Microgrid and Renewable Energy Systems, Automatic Generation Control, Soft Computing Techniques and Applications.

 Yash Pal

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    B.E M.Tech Ph.D
Email:    yashpal@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    233400
Area of Interest:   

Power Electronics and Drivers, Power Quality, Custom Power Devices, Renewable Energy Sources

 Sunita Chauhan

Designation:    Associate Professor
Email:    singh298@hotmail.com
Phone No:     01744-233385, 9416812189
Area of Interest:   

Current areas of interest :
Reliability & System engg., Circuit analysis, Electromagnetic theory, Operational research and Control devices

Research activites : Guiding UG & PG Prrojects & dissertations

Future plan of Academic & research Activites:

                     To be a good teacher will be my first priority. I will be using the latest & advanced technologies for good academic & research activites. I will always try to improve myself to achieve the targets which will help me in better teaching. To publish more research papers & to give better guidance to UGPG students for their studies & research purposes. To give proper counseling to the students.

 Rupanshi Batra

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    M.Tech(Electrical)(1989),R.E.C.,Kurukshetra
Email:    rupanshibatra@yahoo.co.in
Phone No:    9729063031
Area of Interest:   

Current Areas of Interest – Reliability, Measurement and Instrumentation, Digital Electronics, Network Analysis and Synthesis and Control Systems

 Monika Mittal

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    B. Tech (MMMEC Gorakhpur), M. Tech. (RECK), Ph. D. (NITK)
Email:    monika_mittal@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9315303029, +91-1744-233388
Area of Interest:   

Signal processing applications in control and renewable systems, wavelets in control systems, computational techniques


 Krishan Kumar Sharma

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    M Tech in Electrical Engineering (with Power Electronis Specialization) in the year 1992 from Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi (UP)
Email:    kksharma@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:     9896330753
Area of Interest:   

Areas of Current Interest, Research Activities, and Future Plans of Academic and Research Activities


 Saurabh Chanana

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:     Ph.D (NIT Kurukshetra, 2011)
Email:    saurabh@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9416038363
Area of Interest:   

Power System Restructuring, Power System Optimization and Economics, Smart Grid, Demand Response, Renewable energy integration, FACTS and High Voltage Engineering.

 Shelly Vadhera

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D., M.Tech.
Email:    shelly_vadhera@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744233402
Area of Interest:   

Renewable Energy Power Systems Artificial Intelligence Machines

 Anil Kumar Dahiya

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. (Transient stability improvement of power system with STATCOM-SMES using intelligent control)
Email:    anildau@yahoo.co.in
Phone No:    9416039964
Area of Interest:   


 Bhanu Pratap

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. (2013)
Email:    bhanu@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-9468034271, +91-1744233130
Area of Interest:   
Intelligent Control of Nonlinear Systems, Robust and Adaptive Control,
Control of Renewable Energy Systems, Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Profile on Google Scholar:

 Atma Ram Gupta (on Lien)

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D (NIT Kurukshetra), M.Tech (NIT Durgapur), B.Tech (C.V Raman College of Engineering Bhubaneswar).
Email:    argupta@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +911744233127
Area of Interest:   

Updated CV
Power System, Renewable Energy Source allocation with D-FACTS in distribution system, Distributed Generation / D-FACTS application in distribution system, Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering

 M. P. R. Prasad (On Lien as Associate Professor at Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi (Gulbarga).

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. from NIT Kurukshetra, M.Tech from NIT Calicut, B.Tech from NBKRIST, Sri Venkateswara University
Email:    mprprasad@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744233172
Area of Interest:   

Control Applications to Marine Robotic Vehicles, Industrial Automation, Process Control, Instrumentation, Model Predictive Control

 Shashi Bhushan Singh

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D
Email:    sbsingh@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    8950214329, 9453064823
Area of Interest:   

Power Quality, renewable energy and electric vehicle

 Pradeep Kumar

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    M.Tech, Ph.D (MNNIT Allahabad)
Email:    pk@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

Artifical Intelligence Application in Power Systems, Smart Grid, Substation Design especially, Earthing and Bonding based on IEEE-80 2000 (with ETAP), Direct Stroke Lightning Protection using IEEE 998 and Insulation coordination. Transmission Line Design and Planning, Power Quality

 Sandeep Kakran

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D., M.Tech. (Power System)
Email:    sandeepkakran@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

Smart Grid, Microgrid, Demand side energy management, Renewable energy system, Energy, distribution system, Power System Stability and FACTS

 Rahul Sharma

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. , M.Tech (Power Electronics and ASIC Design)
Email:    rahul0303@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

Power electronics converters topology and control, Renewable energy systems, Electrical Machines, Power electronics applications in Power systems, Distributed energy systems, Microgrid Electric Vehicles

 Kiran Kumar J

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D.(NITKKR), M.Tech.(COEP)
Email:    202.kiran@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:     01744-233168
Area of Interest:   

Electrical Machines & Drives (EV),   and  Special Machines For Renewable Energy.


Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. , M.Tech (Power Electronics & Drives)
Email:    shivam@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

Power Quality issues in DC and AC Microgrid with Renewable Energy Sources, and Electric Vehicles.

 Amit Kumar

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    M.Tech(Power System), Ph.D(Pursuing)
Email:    amitkumar357@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:     +911744233372
Area of Interest:   

Power System

 Muralidhar Killi

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph. D.
Email:    muralidhar.killi@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9778463355
Area of Interest:   

Photovoltaic systemsPower electronic converter circuits, Control systems, and Energy storage devices for EV technology

 V. G. Durgarao Rayudu

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph. D.
Email:    venu.rayudu@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    8979310144
Area of Interest:   

Control Systems, Model Order Reduction; Robotics, Optimal and Sub-Optimal Control Systems; Tuning and Design of Conventional and Intelligent Controllers

 sudipta Ghosh

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D (IIT Delhi), M.Tech (NIT Durgapur), B.Tech (NIT Jamshedpur)
Email:    sudipta@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-7780590999
Area of Interest:   

My main research interests are in the field of power system stability and control of the new grid specifically in the following areas :

1. Power system dynamics and control with integrated renewable energy resources and storage. 2. Power system transient stability analysis/ modelling based on energy function and structure preserving based method. 3. The integrated modelling of power system for Transient stability and small signal stability analysis based on Model order Reduction (MOR). 4. Real time frequency based reduced order modelling of large power grid. 5. Application of machine learning algorithm in Power Systems dynamics and control studies. 6. Hybrid Power system inertia estimation and control. 7. Bus inertia estimation to enhance the grid dynamic flexibility of hybrid power systems.

 Rajesh Kumar

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. in Intelligent modeling & Control using Artificial Neural Networks (NSIT, New Delhi (University of Delhi)), M.Tech (EED-Control Systems, NIT Kurukshetra), B.Tech
Email:    rajeshmahindru23@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

Adaptive Control Systems, Digital Circuits Analysis, Artificial Neural Networks, Soft Computing, Instrumentation, Circuit Theory

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