Nanomaterials, Spectroscopy, Sensors based on Carbon nanotubes
Engineering of energy band gap for semiconductor nanomaterials, sensing materials for the development of various nanosensors, Development of composite materials for defence applications etc.
Radiation Physics: Radiation Hazards and Mitigation Techniques, Radiation shielding materials, Environmental radioactivity measurements using SSNTDs, CFD Modeling of environmental radioactive pollutants
Nanotechnology: Radiation-Induced material modifications,1D & 2D Nanomaterials, II-VI Semiconductor compound for sensing applications.
Bio-nanomaterials for antimicrobial and drug delivery applications
Laser Spectroscopy; Photonics; Optoelectronic Devices, Waste Material Applications, Rural Development
Interested students may submit a CV by email for research (01)/project vacancies (01).
Semiconductor Physics, Organic Electronics, Physics of Nanoelectronic devices
Experimental Nanoscience and NanotechnologyOpto-electronic Devices
Multiferroic Materials, Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices, Photocatalyst
High Energy Physics(HEP) theory and phenomenology, Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD).
Jet Event shapes in the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), Event Shapes in deep-I inelastic scattering (DIS) for future Electron-ion-collider (EIC). Angularity in Higgs decay.
Tomography of hadron phenomenology, Light-front Quark-diquark model, Transverse momentum dependent parton distributions(TMDs), Wigner distributions, Single Spin Asymmetry(SSA).
Interested may visit HEP@NITkkr
Nonlinear Fiber Optics; Integrated Photonics; Fiber Bragg Grating Based Accelerometer; 2-D Material Coated Fiber based Photonic Devices; Fiber Lasers; Photonic Quantum Technology in Specialty Optical Fiber and Waveguide Devices; Computational Photonics.
(Interested Ph.D., M. Sc., M. Tech., and B. Tech. students can contact if they are interested to work for their projects in above mentioned research fields)
Postdoctoral Fellows are encouraged to contact if they are interested for applying NPDF (SERB, Gov. of India) and Institute postdoctoral fellowships at NIT Kurukshetra.
Nanoscale Quantum Devices for Emerging Technologies including in-memory computing and Quantum Technologies (Device physics & Engineering, Nanofabrication &Characterization); 2D Material based Ferroelectric field effect and Nueromorphic devices for High Speed and Energy Efficient Electronics; Diamondtronics; Translational Research.
1. Centre of Excellence in Quantum Centers in Diamond and Emergent Materials ( QuCenDiEM), IIT Madras.
2. Centre for 2D Materials Research and Innovation (2DMRI), IIT Madras.
*Note: Ph. D. positions are available for a highly motivated UGC-CSIR NET, JRF or GATE qualified candidates.
Computational Physics and Instrumentation