Anurag Gaur

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. awarded from I.I.T. Roorkee in 2007
Phone No:    01744-233496, 9896087178
Area of Interest:    

Energy Storage Devices, Multiferroics, Functional Nanomaterials.

Dr. Anurag Gaur Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra – 136119, India Phone: +91 1744 233496, Mobile : +919896087178 Email:,


Experience :
Teaching: 12 years
R & D Organization / Industry: 15 years


Research Publications: 135

SCI/Scopus Journals:  100

 Conference / Seminar / Symposia etc.: 35

Recent Publications:
Designing of Carbon Nitride Supported ZnCo2O4 Hybrid Electrode for High-Performance Energy Storage Applications
M. SharmaAnurag Gaur
Scientific Reports, 10 Article number: 2035 (2020) 1-10
Cu Doped Zinc Cobalt Oxides Based Solid State Symmetric Supercapacitors: A Promising Key for High Energy Density
M. SharmaAnurag Gaur
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020) 9-16
Facile synthesis and electrochemical performance of Mg-substituted Ni1-xMgxCo2O4 mesoporous nanoflakes for energy storage applications
M. SharmaA.K. PanwarAnurag Gaur
Electrochimica Acta  294 (2019) 53-59
Metal Oxide Based Hydroelectric Cell for Electricity Generation by Water Molecule Dissociation without Electrolyte/Acid
R.K. Kotnala, R. Gupta, A. Shukla, S. Jain, Anurag Gaur, J. Shah
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 18841–18849
Enhanced supercapacitive performance of Ni0.5Mg0.5Co2O4flowers and rods as an electrode material for high energy density supercapacitors: Rod morphology holds the key
M. Sharma, S. Sundriyal, A.K. PanwarAnurag Gaur
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 766 (2018) 859-867
Effect of 80 MeV O 6+ ion irradiation on structural, morphological, dielectric, and ferroelectric properties of (1-x) PVDF/(x) BaTiO 3 nanocomposites
M Sharma, Anurag Gaur, JK Quamara
Ionics 26 (1), (2020) 471-481
Effect of 40 MeV Li3+ ion irradiation on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of (1-x) PVDF/(x) BaTiO3 nanocomposites
M Sharma, A Gaur, JK Quamara
Vacuum 167, (2019) 344-351
Room temperature multiferroicity for BaFe12O19 thin film fabricated by pulsed laser deposition technique
P Kumar, A Gaur
Applied Physics A 125 (9), (2019) 629
Electrochemical studies of novel olivine-layered (LiFePO4-Li2MnO3) dual composite as an alternative cathode material for lithium-ion batteries
R Saroha, AK Panwar, Anurag Gaur, Y Sharma, V Kumar, PK Tyagi
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 22 (2018) 2507-2513
Behaviour of multiphase PVDF in (1−x)PVDF/(x)BaTiO3 nanocomposite films: structural, optical, dielectric and ferroelectric properties
M Sharma, JK Quamara, Anurag Gaur
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29 (2018) 10875-10884
Multiferroicity in La, Pr & Sm doped Z-type strontium hexaferrite
P Kumar, Anurag Gaur
Superlattices and Microstructures 120, (2018) 305-312
Low temperature magnetization and anomalous high temperature dielectric behaviour of (1-x) YMnO3/xZnFe2O4 composites
Virendra Kumar, Anurag Gaur
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 451 (2018) 351–359
Room temperature magneto-electric coupling in La–Zn doped Ba1−x La x Fe12−x Zn x O19 (x = 0.0–0.4) hexaferrite
Pawan Kumar, Anurag Gaur
Applied Physics A, 123 (2017) 732-739
Signature of multiferroicity and pyroelectricity close to room temperature in BaFe?12O?19 hexaferrite
Pawan Kumar, Anurag Gaur
Ceramic International 43 (2017) 16403-16407
Effect of doping on optical properties in BiMn1−x(TE)xO3(where x = 0.0, 0.1 and TE = Cr, Fe, Co, Zn) nanoparticles synthesized by microwave and sol-gel methods,Neha Bhardwaj, Anurag Gaur, Kamlesh Yadav
Applied Physics A, 123 (2017) 429-435
Magneto-electric response in Pb substituted M-type bariumhexaferrite
Pawan Kumar, Anurag Gaur, RK Kotnala
Ceramic International 43 (2017) 1180


Awards :
Best Faculty Award -2019 by NIT Kurukshetra on Teachers Day (September 05, 2019)
Best lecture recognition on “The Essentials of Nanophase and Nanostructured  Materials” during Feb. 21-25, 2011 in the short term course at I.I.T. Roorkee.
Listed in Marquis “Who’s Who in the World” 28th Edition 2011, as a distinguish achiever, Published by Marquis Who’s Who magzine, USA.
The reviewer of various American Institute of Physics (AIP), APS, ACS, ELSEVIER, Springer, IOP journals
Life time member of Material Research Society of India (MRSI)


Ph.D Supervised :
Completed: 07
In progress: 04


M.Tech Dissertations :
In progress: 03


Sponsored R & D Projects: 06 (Completed/ongoing)

Current Projects:
SERB-DST, New Delhi sponsored project: Utilization of agricultural waste as an electrode material for energy storage devices of Rs 41.5 Lacs (Ongoing)
IUAC New Delhi sponsored project: Dielectric relaxation investigations in swift heavy ion irradiated ferroelectric ceramic/polymer nanocomposites of Rs 06.00 Lacs (Ongoing)
CSIR New Delhi sponsored project: Investigations on hexaferrites to search strong magnetoelectric compounds at room temperature of Rs 20.0 Lacs  (Ongoing)



Deputy Chief Warden (DCW), NIT Kurukshetra
Prof-Incharge (Ragging Control & General Discipline)
Warden, Boys Hostel No.- 10 of NIT Kurukshetra
Faculty coordinator, Dean (R&C)
Prof- In- charge (Results) of NIT Kurukshetra

Prof- In- charge student activity centre (SAC) of NIT Kurukshetra
Member, Sports committee of NIT Kurukshetra, 2010-11, 2011-12
Member, Institute vision formation committee of NIT Kurukshetra, 2010
Course Coordinator of B.Tech Theory and practical examinations at NIT Kurukshetra
Course Coordinator of various M.Tech (Nanotechnology) Theory papers at NIT Kurukshetra
OC various labs in Department of Physics, NIT Kurukshetra
OC time table in Department of Physics, NIT Kurukshetra, 2010-11.
Member, Department of Physics M.Tech admission committee of NIT Kurukshetra.
Member, Department purchase committee 2011-12 of NIT Kurukshetra.
President Physics Association of Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 2005-06


Other :
Organized STC “Advanced nanomaterials for Energy Storage Devices” during Oct, 19-23, 2019 as a coordinator.
Organized a Symposium “Wide bandgap semiconductors” during March, 17-19, 2019 as a coordinator.
Organized 6th national conference “Nanoscience & Instrumentation Technology” during March, 29-30, 2018 as a coordinator.
Organized 5th national conference “Nanoscience & Instrumentation Technology” during March, 05-06, 2017 as a co-coordinator.
Organized a short term course “Professional Development of Teachers” during March, 15-20, 2017 as a co-coordinator.
Organized 4th national conference “Nanoscience & Instrumentation Technology” during June, 04-05, 2016 as a co-coordinator.
Organized a short term course “Mathematical Modelling and Computational Techniques in Nanofluids” during September, 21-25, 2015 as a coordinator.
Organized a short term course “Synthesis and characterization techniques of smart materials” during September, 22-26, 2014 as a coordinator.
Organized a national conference “Nanoscience & Instrumentation Technology” during March, 09-10, 2014 as a co-coordinator.
Organized Three days self financed short term course on “ Nanomaterials and their characterization tools” during June 01-03, 2013 as a coordinator.