Jitender Kumar Chhabra

Designation:    Professor
Department:    Computer Engg
Qualification:    B.Tech(CSE) from NITK as 2nd Topper, M.Tech (CSE) from NITK as Gold Medalist, PhD (S/w Engg)

NIT Campus

Email:    jitenderchhabra@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-1744-233482 (off-Direct no) 9416733789 (Mob)
Area of Interest:    

Teaching Interests: Data Structures, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Competitive & Efficient Programming, Machine Learning, Programming in C C++, Software Design & Development, Software Engineering & Project Development, Operating Systems, Data Bases, Object Oriented Systems, Software Testing.

My Video Lectures on Data Structures & Algorithms available on YouTube Channel: @JitenderKrChhabraProfCseNITKKR

Data Str Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjLJwypxLFs&list=PL82bhWqRpcuc4OhxBC0qGB8XTfn4ulrLg

Algo Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8uhnJOrXiI&list=PL82bhWqRpcud1xDmBZE89Oogm1p21N7Yq

Research Interests: Software Engineering, Soft Computing, Software Metrics, Machine Learning & AI in S/w Engg, Clustering and Mining

Experience : 31 years (Teaching alongwith Research )

Books Published: Total 3 (Coauthor of World-famous Schaum Series Book from McGraw Hill titled “Programming with C” Byron Gottfried, USA & Jitender Kumar Chhabra. 4th Edition; Another book for learning depth of coding: ”Conceptual Programming Tips for Interviews and Competitive Exams”, McGraw Hill)

Intellectual Property Rights: Patents : Total 10 (6 granted + 4 published) Copyrights: Six granted

Publications : Total 174 (SCI/Scopus indexed International Journals: 68, Others and National Journals: 20, Book Chapters & Procedia, LNCS etc: 24, International Conferences: 46, National Conferences: 16)

Reviewer for Journals : IEEE Transactions, ACM Transactions, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Inderscience etc.

Ph.Ds Supervised : Completed: 8 (each with 3 or more SCI publications reputed journals); New Admissions: I will accept 1 candidate for PhD who is sincere, hard-working and ready for quality-work

Research Project: Total 3: One funded by DRDO Govt of India, completed; 2nd funded by ISRO Govt of India, completed; 3rd funded by ISRO Govt of India, in-progress.

Significant Academic Contributions:

  • First recipient of Best Teacher Award of NIT Kurukshetra
  • Started a new Elective for “Efficient Coding for Problem-Solving and Competitive Programming”, helpful for internship and placements in reputed companies
  • Coach for ACM ICPC Programming Contest in India and our team reached to top 5 ranked teams.
  • My guided PhD thesis selected as a Resource Material at International Level by ACM, USA for researchers and scientists in the area of Software Engineering.
  • Our Project selected in TOP-20 projects of the World (in SCORE: one of the most prestigious IEEE’s International Project Contest of S/w Engg).
  • Guiding students in the domain of Data Structures and Algorithms and helping them in preparation towards campus placements in most reputed IT companies
  • Workshops Conducted (Interview Preparations, Competitive & OO Programming, Data Str, Algo, Teaching Pedagogy etc) : 18
  • Keynote Speaker & Guest of Honor in Conferences & Seminars: 25
  • Session Chairs in Conferences: 25

Industrial Collaborations:

  • Founder HP-Chair by Hewlett Packard (HP) for collaborative work at NIT Kurukshetra
  • Co-Coordinator for Software Engineering training by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)


  • Best Teacher Award of N I T Kurukshetra
  • All India Badminton’s Men’s Champion (Singles as well as Doubles) at Inter NIT Sports Tournament
  • Gold Medalist in M. Tech from N.I.T. Kurukshetra
  • 2nd Topper of B.Tech from N.I.T. Kurukshetra
  • Best Project Award
  • Best Educator Award, Sir Issac Newton Scientific Award of Excellence
  • Best Presentation Award
  • All India Open Debate Winner

Foreign Visits: USA, UK, Canada, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Singapore, Malaysia, Turkey, Thailand, Dubai for research paper presentation and chairing technical sessions.

Significant Administrative Contribution :

  • HOD Computer Engg, HOD Computer Applications, HOD/Coordinator (VLSI & Embedded Systems)
  • Founder Professor Incharge (Institute Website)
  • Founder Officer Incharge CCN
  • Nodal Officer (BAS)
  • Chairman/ Member of DRC, BOS, Senate, Academic Council of many Universities & Institutes
  • Scheme & Syllabi revision of UG & PG Programmes at NIT Kurukshetra and other Universities