Dr. Tanmay Maji

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Department:    Physics
Qualification:    Ph D (Dual) from IIT Kanpur
Email:    tanmayphy@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233498
Area of Interest:    

High Energy Physics(HEP) theory and phenomenology, Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD).

Jet Event shapes in the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), Event Shapes in deep-I inelastic scattering (DIS) for future Electron-ion-collider (EIC). Angularity in Higgs decay.

Tomography of hadron phenomenology, Light-front Quark-diquark model, Transverse momentum dependent parton distributions(TMDs), Wigner distributions, Single Spin Asymmetry(SSA).

Interested may visit HEP@NITkkr

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2022-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, NIT Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra.

2022: National Postdoctoral Fellow (NPDF) in Physics, IIT Hyderabad,  Hyderabad.

2018- 2021: Postdoctoral Fellow, Fudan University, Shanghai.

2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, IIT Bombay, Mumbai.

2010-2018: M.Sc.-PhD (Dual Degree), Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur.


[1] ”Gary McCartor Award 2018” — given by the international Light Cone Advisory Committee and Jefferson lab, VA, USA.
[2] ”Young Researcher Award 2019” — given by the China Postdoctoral Science Fondation, China.
[3] ”Best poster award” and a travel grant in the Helmholtz International Summer School 2017 on ”Hadron Structure, Hadronic matter, Lattice QCD” held in the Joint institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia.
[4] International travel support (ITS) by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to attend the International  Conference ”Light Cone 2018” at Jefferson Lab, USA.
[5] International travel grant by the Science Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, to attend the DIS2017: 25th International Conference on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and related topics held at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
[6] Travel grant by the Dean of Research and Development (DoRD), IIT Kanpur, to attend the International Light Cone Conference 2017, held in Mumbai, India.

LIST OF SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (A complete list of publications can be found here)

Last update: Dec. 2022

  • Tanmay Maji, Chandan Mondal, Daekyoung Kang; ”Leading twist GTMDs at nonzero skewness and Wigner distributions in boost-invariant longitudinal position space,” Phys. Rev. D 105, no.7, 074024 (2022),
  • Jiawei Zhu, Daekyoung Kang and Tanmay Maji , “Angularity in DIS at next-to-next-to- leading log accuracy,” JHEP 11 (2021), 026.

  • D. Chakrabarti, N. Kumar, T. Maji and A. Mukherjee, “Sivers and Boer–Mulders GTMDs in light-front holographic quark–diquark model,” Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135 no.6, 496 (2020).

  • Tanmay Maji, D. Chakrabarti and A. Mukherjee, “Sivers and cos 2φ Asymmetries in Semi- inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering in Light-front Holographic Model,” Phys. Rev. D 97, no. 1, 014016 (2018).

  • Tanmay Maji, Dipankar Chakrabarti, “Leading twist TMDs in a light-front quark diquark model for proton”; Few Body Syst. 59, no. 3, 41 (2018).

  •  D. Chakrabarti, T. Maji, A. Mukherjee and O. V. Teryaev, “Azimuthal Spin Asymmetries in SIDIS,” Few Body Syst. 59, no. 2, 12 (2018).

  • C. Mondal, T. Maji, D. Chakrabarti, X. Zhao “Leading twist GPDs and transverse spin density in a proton,” Few Body Syst. 59, no. 3, 16 (2018).

  •  Tanmay Maji, D. Chakrabarti and O. V. Teryaev, “Model predictions for azimuthal spin asymmetries for HERMES and COMPASS kinematics,” Phys. Rev. D 96, no. 11, 114023 (2017).

  • Tanmay Maji and Dipankar Chakrabarti, “Transverse structure of a proton in a light-front quark-diquark model,” Phys. Rev. D 95, no. 7, 074009 (2017).

  • Tanmay Maji, C. Mondal and Dipankar Chakrabarti, “Leading twist generalized parton distributions and spin densities in a proton,” Phys. Rev. D 96, no. 1, 013006 (2017).

  •  Dipankar Chakrabarti, Tanmay Maji, C. Mondal and A. Mukherjee, “Quark Wigner distributions and spin-spin correlations,” Phys. Rev. D 95, no. 7, 074028 (2017).

  • Tanmay Maji and Dipankar Chakrabarti, “Light front quark-diquark model for the nucleons,” Phys. Rev. D 94, no. 9, 094020 (2016

  •  Dipankar Chakrabarti, Tanmay Maji, C. Mondal and A. Mukherjee, “Wigner distributions and orbital angular momentum of a proton,” Eur. Phys. J. C 76, no. 7, 409 (2016).

  • Tanmay Maji, C. Mondal, Dipankar Chakrabarti and O. V. Teryaev, “Relating transverse structure of various parton distributions,” JHEP 1601, 165 (2016),

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (A complete list of publications can be found here)

  •  D. Kang and T. Maji, “Toward precision jet event shape for future Electron-Ion Collider,” PoS LC2019 (2019), 061 doi:10.22323/1.374.0061 [arXiv:1912.10656 [hep-ph]].
  • Tanmay Maji and Dipankar Chakrabarti, “Proton structure in a light-front quark-diquark model: Collins asymmetry,” PoS DIS 2017, 193 (2018).
  • Tanmay Maji and Dipankar Chakrabarti, “Parton distribution functions of proton in a light- front quark diquark model,” arXiv:1801.01718 [hep-ph];Springer Proc. Phys. 203 (2018) 151.



Review regular articles at the Applied Journal of Physical Science, URL: http://integrityresjournals.org/journal/AJPS



At NIT Kurukshetra:
  1. PHIC11: Physics-I(UG), Nov. 2022- March 2023.
  2. MTNI: Nuclear Instrumentation(PG), Jan-Apr. 2023.
  3. OE(US): Ultrasonic and Applications, Jan-Apr. 2023.
At IIT Kanpur and IIT Bombay:

Graduate Teaching Assistant(TA) in Physics for B.Tech and integrated M.Sc.
PH407: Mathematical Method in Physics, IIT Bombay, July-Nov 2018.
PHY526: Nuclear and Particle Physics, IIT Kanpur, Jan 2017 – May 2017.
PHY681: Quantum Field Theory, IIT Kanpur, Jan 2016 – May 2016.
PHY523: Atomic and Nuclear Physics, IIT Kanpur, Jan 2013 – July 2013.
PHY103: Physics-II, IIT Kanpur, July 2016 – May 2016.
PHY102: Physics-I, IIT Kanpur, Jan 2016- May 2016

Experiments: taught 3-hour laboratory sessions once a week to B.Tech students. Measurement of speed of light and determination of unknown refractive index. PHY101 Lab, IIT Kanpur, July 2013 – Dec 2015.



  1. SCET 2022: The XIXth annual workshop on Soft-Collinear Effective Theory held from April 19-22, 2022, at University of Bern, Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Bern, Switzerland.
    World SCET 2021: conference held from April 19-23, 2021.
  2. World SCET 2020: conference held from June 8-12, 2020. Talk delivered on ” Angularity event shapes in DIS at the NNLL accuracy.”
  3. QCD with Electron-Ion Collider (QEIC): conference held from January 04-07, 2020 at IIT Bombay. Talk delivered on ”Toward precision jet event shape for future Electron-Ion Collider.”
  4. Light-Cone 2019: conference held from September 16-20, 2019 at the Ecole Poly- technique, Palaiseau, France. Talk delivered on ”Precision jet event shapes for future Electron-Ion-Collider”
  5. The 18th National Conference on Medium and High Energy Nuclear Physics: held from June 22-25, 2019 at College of Physics and Electronic Science of Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China. Talk delivered on ”Toward precision jet event shape for future Electron-Ion Collider.”
  6. SCET 2019: conference held from March 25-28, 2019 at University of California San Diego (UCSD), California, USA.
  7. Light-Cone 2018: conference held from May 14, 2018 to May 18, 2018 at the Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, USA. Talk delivered on ”Wigner distributions and gener- alised transverse momentum dependent distribution in the LFQDM.”
  8. Light-Cone 2017: Frontiers in Light Front Hadron Physics held from September 18, 2017 to September 22, 2017 at University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India. Talk delivered on ”Lead- ing twist TMDs in a light-front quark-diquark model for proton”.
  9. HISS 2017: The Helmholtz International Summer School ”Hadron Structure and Hadronic Matter, and Lattice QCD” held from October 20, 2017 to September 02, 2017 at BLTP, JINR, Russia. Poster presented on ”Single Spin Asymmetries in a light-front quark- diquark model”.
  10. DIS 2017: 25th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics held from April 3, 2017 to April 7, 2017 at University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Talk delivered on ”Proton structure in light-front quark diquark model: Single Spin Asymmetry”.
  11. GIAN Course: Introduction to Light-Front Hadron Physics held from September 11, 2017 to September 16, 2017 at University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India.- 
  12. DAE 2016 (HEP): DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium held from December 12- 16, 2016 at University of Delhi, INDIA. Talk delivered on ”Light front quark-diquark model for the nucleons”.
  13. WHEPP 2015: Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology held during Decem- ber 4-13, 2015 at IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, INDIA Talk delivered on ”Relating transverse struc- ture of various parton distributions”.
  14. International workshop on frontiers of QCD: held during December 2-5, 2014, held at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, INDIA.




My research works are focused on two areas — (i)Investigation of non-perturbative transverse structure of hadrons in the Light-front quark-diquark model and (ii)Precision prediction to Jet event shapes in the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET).
(i) We study non-perturbative three-dimensional structure of proton which is eroded in the partonic distributions e.g., transversity distribution, transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution (TMDs) etc. We present even more general five-dimensional Wigner distributions which provides not only the other distributions at appropriate limits but also the correlation among quark orbital angular momentum (OAM) and quark spin inside a proton. To investi- gate these distribution functions of nucleons we have constructed the Light-front quark-diquark model (LFQDM) where the wave functions are adopted from soft-wall AdS/QCD. This model is consistent with the quark counting rules and the parameters of the model are determined by fitting the experimental data of Dirac and Pauli form factors. The LFQDM model prediction to single-spin asymmetries (SSAs) in the SIDIS process, as well as the double spin asymme- tries (DSAs) show qualitative agreement to the measured data of HERMES and COMPASS for π+ and π− channels. We also give predictions to the Collins Asymmetry for future Electron- Ion-Collider (EIC). The collins asymmetry provides the correlation between proton spin and transverse momentum of interior patrons which is encoded in the T-odd TMDs at the leading twist. The leading twist, T-odd TMDs of proton, e.g., Sivers and Boer-Mulders TMDs, are de- termined by including a spin-dependent complex phase in the wave function which reproduces the final state interaction (FSI) effect and present the Sivers and Boer-Mulders asymmetries in the SIDIS process for π+ and π− channels and compared with the HERMES data.
(ii) We explore a class of event-shape observables “angularity” for deep inelastic scattering (DIS), eP → dijet, process. Angularity (τa) is an event shape whose sensitivity to the splitting angle of a collinear emission is controlled by a continuous parameter ‘a’. With its continuous parameter ‘a’ one can interpolate angularity between thrust event shape and broadening and further access beyond the region. The angularity in case of DIS is differed from electron- positron to diet process by a beam function which is created due to the virtuality of proton before the interaction. We define angularity for DIS and factorize the cross-section by using soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). It contains an angularity beam function, which is studied explicitly and we give the expression atO(αs). We perform large log resummation of angular- ity and make predictions to the DIS angularity differential cross-section at various values of ‘a’ at next-to-next-to-leading log (NNLL) accuracy. Providing such a systematic way to access various observables makes angularity attractive in analysis with event shapes. We also work on the angularity event shapes measurement in other process.


For a complete CV click here!