Numerical Analysis, Numeric’s of Delay Differential Equations, Fractional Differential Equations Numerical Methods with analysis for Singular Boundary Value Problems and Singular Perturbation Problems
MHD & FHD: Nano-Fluids Modelling, Heat and Mass Transfer, Transport in Porous Media, Boundary Layer Theory, Rheology, Tribology, etc.
Teaching Experience: 30 Years
Administrative Experience: HoD ( 4 Terms- 9 years)
R & D Experience: 34.5 Years (4.5 years in Haryana State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh from May, 1991 to Oct, 1995)
Post-Doctoral Mentoring: 01 (NPDF)
Dr. Shashi Sharma (2 years, 2017 to 2019)
File No.: PDF/2016/003366, Dated 01-04-2017
Funded by SERB, DST Govt. of INDIA
Amount: 19.20 Lakh
Ph.D. Thesis Supervised: Completed- 11, On-going – 04 P.hD Guided
Research Publications: ` 71 (SCI / Scopus: 58 Papers, HI-20) List OF Publication
Book Published: 01
Engineering Mathematics through Applications
CBS Publications, New Delhi
ISBN: 978-81-239-2472-4 (2nd Edition 2015)
Projects: 02
Mathematical Modelling for transport of drug loaded magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery applications; 2017 to 2019; SERB, DST Govt. of INDIA; 19.20 Lacs.
Magnetic Fluid Project: DST Haryana (Chandigarh); 2007-2008; 12 Lacs.
Awards / Recognition: Haryana State Merit Scholarship in Colleges
International Conference (Abroad): 07 Link
Singapore (2018), Canada (2016), Switzerland (2014), Australia (2013), UK (2011), Egypt (2008), Spain (2007).
Editorial Board Member: Open Material Science Journal (Oxford Academic)
Discover Fluid Mechanics (Springer Nature)
Short term Program Conducted: 04
Academic / Administrative Contributions (Department / Institute):
Admission Committee – CEET;
Member MACP (Non-teaching Staff Promotion Committee 2017-19
Nodal officer UGC Cell -2 years (15/11/2006 – 15/11/2008),
NITK; Warden, s (June, 2005 – Sept., 2009)
Member DRC, DAC, BOS (Since 2004 onwards)
Coordinator of National Workshop PMMSE 2013
Teacher In charge for Modelling Club;
Member Institute’s Library Committee;
Member Library User Group; Member Sports Committee;
Associated with Institute’s Annual Administrative Report’s Compilation;
Prof. In Charge: EDC / IIPC / IIIC
Two parameter quantum algebras and special functions.
Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Numerical Solutions of Fractional Differential Equations, Differential Geometry of Manifolds and their Applications.
(Looking for highly motivated, UGC-CSIR (JRF) / NET/ GATE qualified Ph. D. Candidate)
Mathematical Modeling of Dynamical Systems, Stability Analysis and Control of Robotic Systems, Reliability Analysis
Fourier Approximation, Summability Theory, Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Wavelets
Numerical analysis, Finite difference methods, Time-fractional partial differential equations, Fractional delay differential equations, Singular boundary value problems
Numerical Analysis, Finite Difference Methods, Singularly Perturbed Differential-Difference Equations Having Boundary Layers