BB-4, N.I.T. Campus, Kurukshetra Haryana (INDIA)
MHD & FHD: Nano-Fluids Modelling, Heat and Mass Transfer, Transport in Porous Media, Boundary Layer Theory, Rheology, Tribology, etc.
Teaching Experience: 30 Years
Administrative Experience: HoD ( 4 Terms- 9 years)
R & D Experience: 34.5 Years (4.5 years in Haryana State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh from May, 1991 to Oct, 1995)
Post-Doctoral Mentoring: 01 (NPDF)
Dr. Shashi Sharma (2 years, 2017 to 2019)
File No.: PDF/2016/003366, Dated 01-04-2017
Funded by SERB, DST Govt. of INDIA
Amount: 19.20 Lakh
Ph.D. Thesis Supervised: Completed- 11, On-going – 04 P.hD Guided
Research Publications: ` 71 (SCI / Scopus: 58 Papers, HI-20) List OF Publication
Book Published: 01
Engineering Mathematics through Applications
CBS Publications, New Delhi
ISBN: 978-81-239-2472-4 (2nd Edition 2015)
Projects: 02
Mathematical Modelling for transport of drug loaded magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery applications; 2017 to 2019; SERB, DST Govt. of INDIA; 19.20 Lacs.
Magnetic Fluid Project: DST Haryana (Chandigarh); 2007-2008; 12 Lacs.
Awards / Recognition: Haryana State Merit Scholarship in Colleges
International Conference (Abroad): 07 Link
Singapore (2018), Canada (2016), Switzerland (2014), Australia (2013), UK (2011), Egypt (2008), Spain (2007).
Editorial Board Member: Open Material Science Journal (Oxford Academic)
Discover Fluid Mechanics (Springer Nature)
Short term Program Conducted: 04
Academic / Administrative Contributions (Department / Institute):
Admission Committee – CEET;
Member MACP (Non-teaching Staff Promotion Committee 2017-19
Nodal officer UGC Cell -2 years (15/11/2006 – 15/11/2008),
NITK; Warden, s (June, 2005 – Sept., 2009)
Member DRC, DAC, BOS (Since 2004 onwards)
Coordinator of National Workshop PMMSE 2013
Teacher In charge for Modelling Club;
Member Institute’s Library Committee;
Member Library User Group; Member Sports Committee;
Associated with Institute’s Annual Administrative Report’s Compilation;
Prof. In Charge: EDC / IIPC / IIIC
Teaching Experience : 28 Year
Administrative Experience : HoD (4th Term)
(5th May 2010 to 4th May 2012; 1st July 2012 to 30th June 2015; 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2019; 1st July to till date)
R & D Experience:
29.5 Years (4.5 years in Haryana State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh from May, 1991 to Oct, 1995)
Others:(a) Post-Doctoral Mentoring: 01 (First in NITK/ RECK):
Dr. Shashi Sharma ( 2 years, 2017 to 2019)
File No.: PDF/2016/003366, Dated 01-04-2017
Funded by SERB, DST Govt. of INDIA
Amount : 19.20 Lakh
Ph.D. Thesis Guided
(i) Completed- 09:
Nidhi Sharma, Awarded on 11-05-2009
Title: Dynamic Problems of Micropolar Thermo-elasticity
Mr. Kushal Sharma, Awarded on 31-08-2012
Title: Ferrofluid Problems Due to Rotating Disk
Mr. Rajiv Kumar, Awarded on 22-04-2013
Title: Study of Reliability and Economic Aspect for Some Technical Systems
Mr. Anupam Bhandari, Awarded on 28-04-2014
Title: Field Induced Viscosity Effect on Ferrofluid Flow in The Presence of a Disk
Mr. Vikas Kumar, Awarded on 04-11-2015
Title: Variably Viscous Ferrofluid Boundary Layer Flow with Heat Transfer in the Presence of a Heated Disk
Mr. Hawa Singh, Awarded on 19-02-2016
Title: An Investigation of Unsteady MHD Free Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Flow past a Vertical Porous Plate with Suction
Mr. Vimal Kumar Joshi, Awarded on 30-01-2018
Title: Transport Phenomena in Magnetic Nanofluids Influenced by Geothermal Viscosity
Ms. Mittu Walia, Awarded on 04-02-2020
Title: Nanofluid modeling to simulate Heat and Mass transfer flow: A transport for various flow frames
Mr. Anil Kumar, Awarded on 12-07-2022
Title: Ferro Hydrodynamic Lubrication of Various Slider Bearings: A Theoretical Analysis
(ii) Ongoing-03:
Mr. Devender (Full time)
Registration No. 2K19-NITK-PhD-61900027
Mr. Vivek Kumar (Full Time)
Registration No. 2K19-NITK-PhD-61900046
Mr. Pulkit Kumar (Full Time)
Registration No. 2K21-NITK-PhD-62100021
72 (SCI/ Scopus : 53 Papers, HI-15, Citations: 856)
Engineering Mathematics Through Applications
CBS Publications, New Delhi
ISBN: 978-81-239-2472-4 (2nd Edition 2015)
Mathematical Modeling for transport of drug loaded magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery applications;2017 to 2019; SERB, DST Govt. of INDIA; 19.20 Lacs.
Magnetic Fluid Project: DST Haryana (Chandigarh); 2007-2008; 12 Lacs.
Singapore (2018), Canada(2016), Switzerland (2014), Australia (2013), UK (2011), Egypt (2008), Spain (2007.),
National Workshop on “Predictive Mathematical Models in Science and Engineering” (PMMSE-2013) May 24th – 25th, 2013.
One week self-financed Short Term Course on “Mathematical Modelling and Computational Techniques in Nanofluids” Sept. 21-25, 2015.
“National Mathematics Day” Celebration, 22 Dec. 2015.
“Science Conclave-2019”, 28 Feb. to 1 March 2019.
Recent Developments in Mathematical Sciences and Engineering organized by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy from 22/12/2021 to 26/12/2021 at Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS xxvii) on “Recent Advances in solid Mechanics and Seismology” organized by Department Of Mathematics Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra from October 26-28, 2021.
Expert Lecture on “The Glory of India in the Field of Mathematics” during celebration of National Mathematics Day: 22-12-2015 organized by NIT Kurukshetra.
Expert Lecture on Nanofluids: Thermal Effects and Applications in Short Term Course on “Advanced Materials and Characterization” Department of Physics, NIT Kurukshetra (June 08-12, 2015)
One week workshop on “Analytical Aspects of Dynamics” during November 11-17 2014 organized by The Mathematical Society & Department of Mathematics, Central University of Himanchal Pradesh, Kangra.
One week Short Term Course on “Synthesis and Characterization Techniques of Smart Materials” during September 22-26, 2014 organized by School of Material Science and Nanotechnology, N.I.T Kurukshetra.
Refresher Course in Mathematics and Statistics during Dec 11- 31, 2013 at Academic Staff College, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar.
Head, Department of Mathematics
Member MACP (Non-teaching Staff Promotion Committee 2017-2019)
Member DRC, DAC, BOS (Since 2004 onwards)
Coordinator of National Workshop PMMSE 2013
Warden, Admission Committee , CEET; Teacher In charge for Modeling Club; Member Institute’s Library Committee; Member Library User Group; Member Sports Committee; Associated with Institute’s Annual Administrative Report’s Compilation; Nodal officer UGC Cell, NITK;, Prof. In Charge: EDC / IIPC / IIIC
Haryana State Merit Scholarship in Colleges.
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM)
Indian Society for Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation (ISMMACS)