Rajesh Kumar.

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Department:    Electrical Engg
Qualification:    Ph.D. in Intelligent modeling & Control using Artificial Neural Networks (NSIT, New Delhi (University of Delhi)), M.Tech (EED-Control Systems, NIT Kurukshetra), B.Tech
Email:    rajeshmahindru23@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:    

Adaptive Control Systems, Digital Circuits Analysis, Artificial Neural Networks, Soft Computing, Instrumentation, Circuit Theory


Research interests

Application of Artificial Neural network and fuzzy-based systems in modeling and control, Lyapunov stability analysis, Nature inspired learning algorithms, Optimization


 A1. Education

1. Ph.D. (Intelligent modeling & control), Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT), New Delhi (University of Delhi), India (2019).

2. M.Tech. (EE – Control Systems), National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India (2013).

3. B.Tech., Manav Rachna College of Engineering, Faridabad (M.D.U, Rohtak, 2011).


A2. Post Ph.D. Experience

1. Currently working as an Assistant Professor [Grade-I] in the Electrical Engineering department at the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India (from 23rd November 2022 – Present).

2. Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering department at Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India (from 23rd June 2020 to 22nd November 2022).

3. Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Instrumentation department at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Deemed to be a University), Patiala, India (from 26th July 2019 to 22nd June 2020).


B1. Research Publications

1. SCI/SCIE Transactions/Journals Publications – 26

2. Scopus Indexed International Journals – 2

3. Springer Book Chapters (Scopus indexed) – 5

4. IEEE Conferences (Scopus indexed) – 10

Google Scholar: Click here


B2. SCI/SCIE Transactions & Journal Publications (International Journals)

1. Rajesh Kumar “Recurrent Context Layered Radial Basis Function Neural Network for the Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems” Neurocomputing – Elsevier (2024), Impact Factor (I.F) = 6

2. Smriti Srivastava and Rajesh Kumar. “Design and application of a novel higher-order type-n fuzzy-logic-based system for controlling the steering angle of a vehicle: a soft computing approach.” Soft Computing (2023) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

3. Puru Verma, Neil Malhotra, Ram Suri, and Rajesh Kumar. “Automated smart artificial intelligence-based proctoring system using deep learning.” Soft Computing (2023) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

4. Snigdha Chaturvedi, Narendra Kumar, and Rajesh Kumar. “A PSO optimized novel PID Neural Network model for Temperature Control of Jacketed CSTR: Design, Simulation, and a Comparative Study.” Soft Computing (2023) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

5. Tanvi Gupta, and Rajesh Kumar. “A novel feed-through Elman neural network for predicting the compressive and flexural strengths of eco-friendly jarosite mixed concrete: design, simulation and a comparative study.” Soft Computing (2023) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

6. Anuli Dass, Smriti Srivastava, and Rajesh Kumar. “A novel Lyapunov-stability-based recurrent-fuzzy system for the Identification and adaptive control of nonlinear systems.” Applied Soft Computing – Elsevier, 137 (2023): 110161, I.F = 8.7

7. Rajesh Kumar “Double internal loop higher-order recurrent neural network-based adaptive control of the nonlinear dynamical system.” Soft Computing (2023) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

8. Rajesh Kumar “Memory Recurrent Elman Neural Network-Based Identification of Time-Delayed Nonlinear Dynamical System” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (2022), DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2022.3186610, I.F = 8.7

9. Rajesh Kumar “A Lyapunov-stability-based context-layered recurrent pi-sigma neural network for the identification of nonlinear systems.” Applied Soft Computing – Elsevier (2022): 108836, I.F = 8.7

10. Rajesh Kumar, and Smriti Srivastava. “A novel dynamic recurrent functional link neural network based identification of nonlinear systems using Lyapunov stability analysis.” Neural Computing and Applications- Springer Vol: 33, Pages: 7875–7892 (2021), I.F = 6

11. Rajesh Kumar, and Smriti Srivastava. “Externally Recurrent Neural Network-based identification of dynamic systems using Lyapunov stability analysis.” ISA Transactions, Elsevier, 98 (2020): 292-308, I.F = 7.3

12. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, J. R. P. Gupta “Temporally local recurrent radial basis function network for modeling and adaptive control of nonlinear systems” in ISA Transactions, Elsevier, Volume 87, April 2019, Pages 88-115, I.F = 7.3

13. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, J. R. P. Gupta “Self-recurrent wavelet neural network-based identification and adaptive predictive control of nonlinear dynamical systems” International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Wiley, Volume 32, Issue 9: 1326-1358, 2018, I.F = 3.1

14. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, J. R. P. Gupta “Comparative study of neural networks for dynamic nonlinear systems identification” Soft Computing (2019) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

15. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, J. R. P. Gupta “Diagonal recurrent neural network-based identification of nonlinear dynamical systems with Lyapunov stability based adaptive learning rates.” Neurocomputing, Elsevier, 287 (2018), 102-117, I.F = 6

16. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, J. R. P. Gupta. “Comparative Study of Neural Networks for Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Lyapunov Stability-Based Adaptive Learning Rates” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 43.6 (2018): 2971-2993, I.F = 2.9

17. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, and J. R. P. Gupta. “Diagonal recurrent neural network-based adaptive control of nonlinear dynamical systems using Lyapunov stability criterion.” ISA Transactions, Elsevier, Volume 67, 2017, Pages 407-427, I.F = 7.3

18. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, and J. R. P. Gupta. “Lyapunov stability-based control and identification of nonlinear dynamical systems using adaptive dynamic programming” Soft Computing (2017) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

19. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, and J. R. P. Gupta. “Modeling and adaptive control of nonlinear dynamical systems using radial basis function network.” Soft Computing (2017) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

20. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, and J. R. P. Gupta. “Online modeling and adaptive control of robotic manipulators using Gaussian radial basis function networks” Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, 30.1 (2016): 223-239, I.F = 6

21. Rajesh Kumar, Smriti Srivastava, J. R. P. Gupta “Lyapunov stability-Dynamic Back Propagation-based comparative study of different types of functional link neural networks for the identification of nonlinear systems” Soft Computing (2020) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

22. R. Shobana, Bhavnesh Jaint, and Rajesh Kumar. “Design of a novel robust recurrent neural network for the identification of complex nonlinear dynamical systems.” Soft Computing (2023) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

23. R. Shobana, Rajesh Kumar and Bhavnesh Jaint “A recurrent neural network-based identification of complex nonlinear dynamical systems: a novel structure, stability analysis and a comparative study” Soft Computing (2023) – Springer, I.F = 4.1

24. Snigdha Chaturvedi, Narendra Kumar, and Rajesh Kumar. “Two Feedback PID Controllers Tuned with Teaching–Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm for Ball and Beam System.” IETE Journal of Research – Taylor & Francis (2023) , I.F = 1.5

25. Kartik Saini, Narendra Kumar, Bharat Bhushan, Rajesh Kumar “Artificial neural network based adaptive control for nonlinear dynamical systems” accepted in International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing – Wiley (2024), Impact Factor (I.F) = 3.1

26. R Shobana, Rajesh Kumar, B Jaint “Nonlinear dynamical system approximation and adaptive control based on Hybrid-Feed-Forward Recurrent Neural Network: simulation and stability analysis” accepted in Expert Systems-Wiley (2024), Impact Factor (I.F) = 3.3


B3. Membership

1. Senior Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

2. Fellow IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers)

3. IEEE Power & Energy Society Member

4. IEEE Power Electronics Society Member


C. Awards, coordinator, session chair, and expert talk

1. Received a commendable Research Award from Delhi Technological University, in 2022

2. Received a commendable Research Award from Delhi Technological University, in 2021

3. Received best paper award at International Conference On Intelligent Systems and Smart Infrastructure (ICISSI- 2022) by CRC Press, Taylor Francis Group.

4. Delivered an expert talk on “Artificial Neural Networks and their applications” in One Week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Latest Technologies and their Applications in Electrical Engineering and Future Energy”, organized by the Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering, MAIT, Delhi from August 16-20, 2021(Online Mode).

5. Delivered an expert talk on “Artificial of various Artificial Neural Networks for modelling and control of dynamical systems” in the One Week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “AI and Machine Learning applications in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, organized jointly by SIET Prayagraj, J.K Institute of Applied Physics and Technology Prayagraj and Dr. Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya from August 20-25, 2022(Online Mode).

6. Session Chair in International Conference On Intelligent Systems and Smart Infrastructure (ICISSI- 2022) by CRC Press, Taylor Francis Group.

7. Session Chair in 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines, and Automation (SIGMA)-2022, Springer held at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, India, 05th – 06th August 2022

8. Session Chair in International Conference on Systems, Control, and Automation (ICSCA-2023) during May 12-13, 2023 at the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, India.

9. Delivered an expert talk on “Neural networks application in the area of modelling and control of dynamical systems” & “Hands-on ANN on MATLAB” in a 5-day Short-term Course on Machine learning & Applications” (MLA-2023) organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, India from 22nd April-26th April 2023.

10. Coordinator of 5-day Short-term Course on Machine Learning & Applications” (MLA-2023) organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, India from 22nd April-26 April 2023.

11. Session Chair in National Conference on Intelligent Electronic Systems & Applications (NCIESA-2024), in Hybrid Mode, organized by Department of ECE, NIT Kurukshetra, from 23rd to 24th Feb 2024.

12. Delivered an expert talk on “Artificial Neural Networks: various models and their applications” in the Short Term Course on “Cutting-Edge Technologies, Innovations & Applications”, organized by the Department of ECE & CSE, School of Engineering & Technology, CMR University, Bengaluru from 11-15 March 2024.

13. Session Chair in IEEE- International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control & Energy Systems (IEEE-ICPEICES 2024), organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University (DTU), New Delhi from 26th to 28th April 2024.

14. Delivered an online expert lecture on “Artificial Neural Networks: Various Models and their Applications in Control” at BITS Pilani, 01 May 2024.

15. Recognized as a “highly valued Associate Editor” for “Results in Control & Optimization” Elsevier Journal from August 2022 to till date.


D. Professional Service – Journals Editor

1. Editorial Board Member (Associate Editor) in Complex Intelligent Systems Journal – Springer (SCIE, Impact Factor: 6.700).

2. Associate Editor in Applied Intelligence-Springer (SCIE, Impact Factor: 5.019).

3. Editorial Board Member in Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing – Tech Science Press (SCIE, Impact Factor: 3.401).

4. Associate Editor in Results in Control and Optimization Journal- Elsevier (Scopus).

5. Academic Editor in PLOS ONE Journal (Scopus).

6. Associate Editor (Editorial Board Member) in Ain Shams Engineering Journal – Elsevier (SCIE, I.F = 6)

7. Editorial Board Member in Automatic Control and Computer Sciences- Springer-Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI, I.F = 0.9).

8. Academic Editor in Computational and Mathematical Methods-Wiley (ESCI, I.F = 0.9)

9. Associate Editor in Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology – Springer (SCIE, I.F = 1.9)

10. Associate Editor in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (ISSN 0974-0635).


E. Professional Service – Journals reviewer

Serving as a reviewer for various reputed journals such as: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Access, ISA Transactions – Elsevier, Neurocomputing – Elsevier, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing-Wiley, Neural Networks – Elsevier, Applied Soft Computing-Elsevier, Journal of Process Control-Elsevier, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics-Elsevier, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence-Elsevier, Knowledge-based systems-Elsevier, Asian Journal of Control-Wiley, Advanced Control for Applications-Wiley, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control – Wiley, Nonlinear Dynamics-Springer, Soft Computing-Springer, Applied Intelligence-Springer, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems – Springer, Computational and applied mathematics-Springer, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering-Springer, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems – Taylor and Francis, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence – Taylor and Francis, Mathematical Problems in Engineering – Hindawi, Neural Computing & Applications – Springer, International Journal of Modelling, Identification, Control -Inderscience, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing– Inderscience, etc.


F. Courses Taught at UG & PG Level:

(i) Basic Electrical Engineering

(ii) Control Systems

(iii) Digital Circuits and Systems

(iv) Instrumentation & Control

(v) Soft Computing

(vi) Modern Control System

(vii) Measurement and Instrumentation

(viii) Robot Dynamics & Control

(IX) Virtual Instrumentation

(X) Electric Circuit Theory

(XI) Industrial Control

(XII) Network Synthesis and Filters


G. Research Guidance

1. Doctoral Thesis: One completed & three under progress in joint supervision.

2. Master Thesis Supervised: 01 (Completed) & 2 are under progress in joint supervision.


H. Achievements

1. GATE qualified (2011) with an AIR rank of 246

2. Qualified All India test of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), 2013.