S. K. Patidar

Designation:    Professor
Department:    Civil Engg
Qualification:    Ph. D. (2002; IIT Kanpur)

House BA-4, NIT Campus, Kurukshetra-136119

Email:    skpatidar@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233351 01744-238903
Area of Interest:    

Water quality assessment; Nutirent requirement of biological systems, Eutrophication control, Anaerobic treatment of wastewater

Experience :
Teaching: 28
R & D Organization / Industry: 5 months


Research Publications:

1. Journals:

International : 06
National : 03

2. Conference / Seminar / Symposia etc.:

International 12
National 25

3. Books / Monographs / Manuals (including year & publisher) Nil

Awards:  04  Annexure

Ph.D Supervised:

Completed: Nil
In progress: 01

M.Tech Dissertations:

Completed: 8
In progress: 4

Sponsored R & D Projects:

Title of Project Sponsoring Agency Duration Amount (Rs.)
Studies on water quality assessment of Brahma and Sannihit Sarovers and Pollution remediation using aquatic plant based technology NRDMS programme, DST October 2007 – March 2010

(Two Year & 5 Months)




Reviewer of International Journals: Water Science & Technology; Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology and Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Geotechnics and Environment