Dr. Surender Ontela
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Qualification: PhD
Email: surenderontela@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No: +91 9436792174
Area of Interest: Others: Academic/Research Identity:
Orcid ID
Scopus ID
Researcher ID
Google Scholar Profile
Teaching/Research Experience:
Teaching: 11 Years
Research: 14 Years
- Assistant Professor (Grade-I), National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, August 2023 onwards.
- Assistant Professor (Grade – I/Grade – II), National Institute of Technology Mizoram from December 2015 to August 2023.
- Adhoc Faculty, National Institute of Technology Warangal, from August 2014 to December 2015.
- Assistant Professor, Jaya Institute of Technology and Science for Women, Warangal, from June 2009 to June 2011.
Courses Currently Teaching at NIT Kurukshetra:
1. MAIC 101 Differential Calculus and Differential Equations (Odd Sem, AY 2023-24)
2. MAIC 102 Integral Calculus and Difference Equations (Even Sem, AY 2023-24)
1. MAPC 509 Computer Programming in Python (Odd Sem, AY 2023-24)
2. MAPC 506 Partial Differential Equations (Even Sem, AY 2023-24)
Courses Taught at NIT Mizoram:
1. MAL1101 – Engineering Mathematics – I
2. MAL1202 – Engineering Mathematics – II
3. MAL1301 – Mathematical Methods
4. MAL1401 – Numerical Methods & Probability Theory
5. MAL1403 – Numerical Methods
6. MAL1303 – Linear Algebra and Applications
7. MAL1405 – Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
1. MAL2101 – Advanced Mathematics
2. MAL3101 – Advanced Numerical Methods
3. MAL3102 – Advanced Fluid Dynamics
4. MAL3103 – Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
Courses Taught at NIT Warangal:
1. Mathematics-I
2. Mathematics-II
3. Mathematics-III
4. Mathematics-IV
1. Numerical and Optimization Techniques
Courses Taught as a Guest Faculty:
at Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Rohtak, Haryana:
1. Numerical Analysis (2023)
PhD Theses Supervised:
at NIT Mizoram:
1. Lalrinpuia Tlau (DS16MA001)
Year of Completion: 2021
Thesis Title: Mixed Convection Nanofluid Flow in Microchannels : Homotopy Analysis Method.
1. PC Vanengmawia (DS18MA001)
Year of Completion: 2024
Thesis Title: Mixed Convection Nanofluid Flow in Microchannels : Homotopy Analysis Method.
Research Publications in National/International Journals:
- Unveiling the significance of momentum slip, convective boundary conditions and thermal radiation in mixed convection flow within a channel of bidisperse porous medium, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 38(13), 2450047 (2024). (with PC Vanengmawia) Click Here
- Exploration of blood flow characteristics on mass-based hybrid ferromagnetic nanofluid with variable magnetized force-driven convective wedge, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,(2024). (with PK Pattnaik, SR Mishra, Thirupathi Thumma, Subhajit Panda) Click Here
- Optimizing heat transfer rate and sensitivity analysis of hybrid nanofluid flow over a radiating sheet: Applications in solar-powered charging stations, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, (2024). (with PK Pattnaik, S Panda, SR Mishra) Click Here
- Carboxymethyl cellulose-water-based hybrid nanofluid mixed convection flow between porous vertical plates: Entropy generation analysis, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2550036 (2024). (with Padma Ummeda) Click Here
- Enhanced heat transfer in hybrid CNT nanofluid flow over a permeable stretching convective thermal curved surface with magnetic field and thermal radiation, Modern Physics Letters B, (2024). (with S Panda, T Thumma, PK Pattnaik, SR Mishra) Click Here
- Mixed convective thermally radiative viscoelastic hybrid nanofluid flow in a vertical channel: Entropy generation analysis, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 38(04), 2350264, (2024). (with Padma Ummeda) Click Here
- Numerical investigation of radiative blood-based aluminum alloys nanofluid over a convective Riga sensor plate with the impact of diverse particle shape, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2024). (with PK Pattnaik, SR Mishra, Thirupathi Thumma, Subhajit Panda) Click Here
- Mechanism of heat transfer in Falkner–Skan flow of buoyancy-driven dissipative hybrid nanofluid over a vertical permeable wedge with varying wall temperature, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 38 (01), 2350211, (2024). (with S Panda, S Ontela, T Thumma, SR Mishra, PK Pattnaik) Click Here
- Mixed convective magnetohydrodynamic and thermally radiative flow of reactive couple stress MWCNT–Ag/C2H6O2 hybrid nanofluid in a porous vertical channel: Entropy analysis, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 35, 123114, (2023). (with Pungja Mushahary) Click Here
- Irreversibility analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convection flow of viscoelastic hybrid nanofluid flow in a channel, Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, Vol. 16 (2023) 100566. (with Padma Ummeda) Click Here
- A numerical study on model-based comparative analysis for MHD Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) flow past a heated shrinking Riga surface with radiative heat flux, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 586 (2023) 171212. (with S Panda, T Thumma, SR Mishra, PK Pattnaik) Click Here
- Characterization of shape factor with multi slip and inclined magnetized radiative Casson hybrid nanofluid transport in an expanding/contracting convective sheet, Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8 (2023) 100570. (with SR Mishra, PK Pattnaik, S Panda) Click Here
- Heat transfer analysis of magnetized Cu-Ag-H2O hybrid nanofluid radiative flow over a spinning disk when the exponential heat source and hall current are substantial: Optimization and sensitivity analysis, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 50 (2023), 103448. (Thirupathi Thumma, Devarsu Radha Pyari, Qasem M. Al-Mdallal, Fahd Jarad) Click Here
- Magnetohydrodynamic Forced Convection in Bidisperse Porous Medium: Analysis of Flow and Temperature Distributions in a Parallel Plate Channel, Heat Transfer (2023). (with PC Vanengmawia) Click Here
- Mixed convective thermally radiative viscoelastic hybrid nanofluid in a vertical channel: Entropy generation analysis, Modern Physics Letters B (2023). (with Padma Ummeda) Click Here
- Optimization And Sensitivity Analysis on Axisymmetric Motile Microorganism Flow of Viscoelastic Nanofluid Over a Spinning Circular Disk with a Central Composite Model, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications (2023). (with Musala Venkataramana, Thirupathi Thumma) Click Here
- Heat Transfer Mechanism of Hydromagnetic Dissipative Hybrid CNT Nanofluid Flow Over a Permeable Elongating Convective Thermal Curved Surface Considering Thermal Radiation and Particle Shape Effects, Modern physics Letters B (2023). (with Subhajit Panda, Thirupathi Thumma, P.K. Pattnaik, S. R. Mishra) Click Here
- Effect of Arrhenius activation energy on two-phase nanofluid flow and heat transport inside a circular segment with convective boundary conditions: Optimization and sensitivity analysis, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, International Journal of Modern Physics B (2023). (with Subhajit Panda, S.R. Mishra, PK Pattnaik) Click Here
- Mathematical modelling of heat and solutal rate with Cross-diffusion effect on the flow of nanofluid past a curved surface under the impact of thermal radiation and heat source: Sensitivity analysis, ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2023). (with Thirupathi Thumma, Subhajit Panda, S.R. Mishra) Click Here
- Hybridization of Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology for the optimized heat transfer rate on three-dimensional micropolar nanofluid using Hamilton-Crosser conductivity model through a circular cylinder, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023). (with Subhajit Panda, S.R. Mishra, Thirupathi Thumma) Click Here
- Response Surface Methodology and sensitive analysis for Optimizing heat transfer rate on the 3D hybrid nanofluid flow through permeable stretching surface, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2023). (with Subhajit Panda, S.R. Mishra, PK Pattnaik) Click Here
- Thermodynamic analysis of Riga plate effect on nanofluid flow in porous medium with nonlinearly varying permeability, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics (2023). (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Entropy analysis of hybrid nanofluid flow in a porous medium with variable permeability considering isothermal/isoflux conditions, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol.80 (2022), pp.239-252. (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here.
- Wall-driven nanofluid flow in a tilted channel packed with a nonlinearly varying porous media considering Hall effect: second law analysis, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol.96(4) (2022), pp.1127-1140. (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Effect of shape of nanoparticles on mixed convection nanofluid flow in a porous medium with variable permeability: Analysis of the second law of thermodynamics, Pramana, Vol.95(4) (2021), pp.1-12. (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Mixed convection nanofluid flow in a non-Darcy porous medium with variable permeability: entropy generation analysis, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol.95(10) (2021), pp.2095-2106.(with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Variable Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity Effects on Entropy Generation in Nanofluid Flow in an Inclined Channel: HAM Solution, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.10(2) (2021), pp.287-303. (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Micropolar Nanofluid Flow in a Vertical Porous Channel: Entropy Generation Analysis, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.10(2) (2021), pp.305-314. (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Non-Darcian effects on nanoliquid flow past a stretching sheet with temperature jump condition and thermal radiation, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.9(4) (2020), pp.643-654. (with Macha Madhu) Click Here
- Second law analysis for mixed convection nanofluid flow in an inclined channel with convectively heated walls, Heat Transfer (2019). (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Entropy generation in MHD nanofluid flow with heat source/sink, SN Applied Sciences, Vol.1, (2019), pp.1672. (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Natural Convective Fully Developed Micropolar Nanofluid Flow in a Vertical Channel, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol.10 (2018), 09-Special Issue. (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Adomian Decomposition Method for Hall and ion-slip effects on mixed convection flow of a chemically reacting Newtonian fluid between parallel plates with heat generation/absorption, Propulsion and Power Research, Vol.6(4) (2017), pp.296-304. (with Ch. Ram Reddy, Ch. Venkat Rao, T. Pradeepa) Click Here
- Analytical solution of mixed convection flow of a Newtonian fluid between vertical parallel plates with Soret, Hall and ion-slip effects: Adomian Decomposition Method, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol.3 (2017), pp.591-604. (with Ch. Ram Reddy, T. Pradeepa, Ch. Venkat Rao, M Chitra) Click Here
- Effects of Soret, Hall and Ion-slip on mixed convection in an electrically conducting Casson fluid in a vertical channel, Nonlinear Engineering – Modeling and Application, Vol.5 (2016) pp. 169-175. (with Ch. Ram Reddy, O. Surender, Ch. Venkat Rao) Click Here
- Significance of viscous dissipation effect on fully developed natural convective transport of a nanofluid in a vertical channel: Analytical solution via HAM, Advanced Science, Engineering & Medicine, Vol.8 (2016) pp. 579-588. (with Ch. RamReddy) Click Here
- Natural convection heat and mass transfer over a semi-infinite vertical plate in a doubly stratified fluid saturated non-Darcy porous medium with Soret-Dufour effects, Heat Transfer Research, Vol.47 (2016), pp. 29-40. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Natural convection on a porous vertical plate in a doubly stratified non-Darcy porous medium, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 6, 19 (2015). (with D. Srinivasacharya, Ali J. Chamkha, A.M. Rashad) Click Here
- Effect of Hall current and Joule heating on free convection in an electrically conducting Casson fluid in a vertical channel, Procedia Engineering (Elsevier),Vol.127 (2015) pp. 1219-1226. (with Ch. Ram Reddy, Ch. Venkata Rao) Click Here
- Non-Darcy mixed convection flow past a vertical porous plate with Joule heating, Hall and Ion-slip effects, Procedia Engineering (Elsevier),Vol.127 (2015) pp. 162-169. (with D. Srinivasacharya, Ch. Ram Reddy, P. Naveen) Click Here
- Double stratification effects on mixed convection along a vertical plate in a non-Darcy porous medium, Procedia Engineering (Elsevier),Vol.127 (2015) pp. 986-993. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Non-Darcy natural convection from a vertical plate with uniform wall temperature and concentration in a doubly stratified porous medium, Journal of Applied Mechanics & Technical Physics, Vol.56 (2015), pp.590-600. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Effect of double stratification on natural convective boundary layer flow over a vertical plate in a porous medium saturated with nanofluid, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Vol.16 (2015), pp.173-183. (with D. Srinivasacharya, Sandile S. Motsa) Click Here
- Effect of double stratification on natural convective boundary layer flow over a vertical plate in a porous medium saturated with nanofluid, Journal of Nanofluids, Vol.4 (2015), pp.318-327. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Effect of double stratification on mixed convection boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a vertical plate in a porous medium, Applied Nanoscience, Vol.5 (2015), pp. 29-38. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Non-Darcy mixed convection in a doubly stratified porous medium with Soret-Dufour effects, International Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol.2014 (2014), Article ID: 126218. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Mixed convection over a vertical plate in a doubly stratified fluid saturated non-Darcy porous medium with cross-diffusion effects, Heat Transfer, Vol.43(8) (2014), pp.677-690. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Mixed convection boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a vertical plate in a doubly stratified porous medium, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol.11 (2014), pp. 1853-1862. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Non-Darcy mixed convection induced by a vertical plate in a doubly stratified porous medium, Journal of Porous Media, Vol.17(3) (2014), pp.197- 209. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
- Non-similar solution for natural convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid past a vertical plate embedded in a doubly stratified porous medium, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.71 (2014), pp.431-438. (with D. Srinivasacharya) Click Here
Book Chapters Published/Accepted
- Entropy Generation for a Mixed Convection Nanofluid Flow in an Inclined Channel Filled with Porous Medium, Mathematical Modelling and Computational Tools, 171-190 (2020). (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Navier Slip Effects on Mixed Convection Flow of Cu-Water Nanofluid in a Vertical Channel, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 211-222 (2019). (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
- Laminar Mixed Convection Flow of Cu-Water Nanofluid in a Vertical Channel with Viscous Dissipation, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 637-648 (2019). (with Lalrinpuia Tlau) Click Here
Conference Proceedings:
- Analytical Modelling of Friction Along Tool Chip Interface for Inconel 718, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition held during November, 2017, U.S.A. (with Abhishek Kumar, Basil Kuriachen)
- Non-similar solution for mixed convection in a porous medium saturated with nanofluid, 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Co-sponsored by ICHMT) held during 14-16 July, 2014 in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. (with D. Srinivasacharya)
List of Papers Presented:
- Entropy generation analysis on MHD mixed convective flow of couple stress MWCNT-Ag/C2H6O2 hybrid nanofluid with variable properties in a vertical channel, 32nd Congress of APTSMS along with the International Conference on Computational Modelling in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE-2023), held on October 28–30, 2023, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Telangana, India.
- Hydro-magnetic Viscoelastic Nanofluid Flow Past a Stretching Sheet with Temperature Dependent Viscosity, International Conference on Fluid Flows and Energy Storage Materials (ICFESM)-2023 organized by Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad during March 17-18, 2023.
- Laminar Micropolar Nanofluid Flow in a Porous Medium with Variable Permeability Considering Heat Source/Sink, 2nd International Conference on Numerical Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow (NHTFF-2020) organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, held
during Jan 17–19, 2020.
- Micropolar Nanofluid Flow in a Vertical Channel Filled with Porous Medium: Entropy Generation Analysis, National Conference on Computational Modeling of Fluid Dynamics Problems (CMFDP-2019) organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, held
during Jan 18–20, 2019.
- Laminar Mixed Convection Flow of Cu-Water Nanofluid in a Vertical Channel with Viscous Dissipation, International Conference on Numerical Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow (NHTFF-2018) organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, held during Jan 19–21, 2018.
- Non-Similar Solution for Free Convection in a Doubly Stratified Fluid Saturated Non-Darcy Porous Medium with Soret-Dufour Effects, 15th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC2017) held during 4-5 September, 2017 in Brunel University, London, UK.
- Double stratification effects on mixed convection along a vertical plate in a non-Darcy porous medium, 10th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT-2015) organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, held during Nov 30-Dec 2, 2015.
- Non-similar solution for mixed convection in a porous medium saturated with nanofluid, 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Co-sponsored by ICHMT) held during 14-16 July, 2014 in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
- Mixed convection over a vertical plate in a doubly stratified fluid saturated non-Darcy porous medium with cross-diffusion effect, 58th congress of ISTAM (An International Meet), organized by the Department of Aerospace Engineering & Applied Mechanics, BESU, Howrah, West Bengal during 18 – 21 December, 2013.
- Non-Darcy free convection in doubly stratified porous medium with uniform heat and mass fluxes” at 57th Congress of ISTAM (An International Meet), organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics, DIAT Pune during 17 – 20 December, 2012.
- Non-similarity solutions for free convection from vertical surface in a doubly stratified porous medium with uniform wall temperature and concentration” at national conference on the XXI Congress of Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences (APSMS), organized by the Department of Mathematics, Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati during 7 – 9 December, 2012.
Workshops / STTPs Organized:
at NIT Mizoram:
- SERB-INAE sponsored 5-day workshop on ”Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Start-Up for Young” during September 26-30, 2022.
- One-week online FDP on ”Role of Basic Sciences in Engineering and Technology” during March 9-14, 2022.
- AICTE sponsored 5-day Faculty Development Programme on ”Examination Reforms” during February 15-19, 2021
- GIAN course on ”Spectral Methods for Solving Systems of ODEs and PDEs” during June 20-29, 2016.
Lectures / Invited Talks Delivered:
- Delivered an invited talk on ”Differential Transform Method Solution of Differential Equations using Wolfram Mathematica” in an International Workshop on ”Recent Advances in Fluid Flow Problems” organized by School of Advanced Sciences, VIT-AP University during May 25-29, 2024.
- Delivered two invited talks on February 26-27, 2024 in a workshop on “Multiple Attribute Decision Making Using Analytic Hierarchy Process” organized by National Institute of Technology Mizoram.
- Delivered a talk on ”Response surface methodology and sensitivity analysis for optimizing heat transfer rate on the 3D hybrid nanofluid flow through permeable stretching surface” in an International Conference on ”Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics (RAAM)-2023” held during June 20-22, 2023 at BITS Pilani Dubai Campus, United Arab Emirates.
- Delivered a talk on ”Mathematical Foundations of Linear Algebra” in a FDP on Data Sciences held during December 15-19, 2020, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Mizoram.
- Resource Person for ”In-Service Training for Existing Teachers(Mathematics)” held during December 6-9, 2016 organized by Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) Aizawl district in association with NIT Mizoram.
- Resource Person for ”In-Service Training for Existing Teachers(Mathematics)” held during February 9-12, 2016 organized by Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) Aizawl district in association with NIT Mizoram.
Conferences / Workshops / STTPs Attended:
- Two-week online GIAN course on Linear and Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Stability : Theory and Computation, organized by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal during Apr 11-23, 2022.
- A full−day workshop on Social Media Management and Practices, organized by MHRD at Vigyan Bhawan on 27th December, 2019.
- International Conference on Digital Pedagogies, at AICTE Auditorium, New Delhi, during 1-2 April, 2019.
- TEQIP – III Summer Training Program on Active Learning, organized by IIT Bombay during 11-15 June, 2018.
- One Day Workshop on Social Media – Use and Effects, organized by AICTE, Delhi on May 10, 2018.
- GIAN Course on Introduction to Mathematical Theory of Complex Fluids , organized by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Kurukshetra during 17-22 November, 2017.
- TEQIP-III Teachers Training Workshop on Induction Program for NER Institutes organized, organized by by Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Guwahati, during 13-15 October, 2017.
- STTP on Symbolic Computing & Numerical Programming using MATHEMATICA/MATLAB, organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, during 10 – 12 July, 2015.
- STTP on Contemporary Approaches of Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering, organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, during 11 – 15 May, 2015.
- STTP on Advanced Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, during 17 – 19 April, 2015.
- STTP on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering & Science, organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, during 1 – 3 April, 2015.
- Two-day workshop on Research Methodology & Scholarly Writing Skills, organized by SC/ST cell, NIT Warangal, during 25 – 26 January, 2014.
- National workshop on Mathematical Modeling in Engineering, organized by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, during 2 – 6 December, 2013.
- National workshop on Computational Methods in Engineering & Science, organized by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, during 21 – 25 October, 2013.
- National workshop on Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Methods and Applications, organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Warangal during 17 – 19 October, 2013.
- Workshop on Scientific Computing with MATLAB, organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Warangal during 22 – 26 September, 2013.
- One day national workshop on Applications of Mathematics in Computers & Engineering Field, organized by the Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities, Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Bollikunta, Warangal on 23rd July, 2013.
- National conference XX Congress of Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences (APSMS), organized by the Department of Mathematics, SBIT, Khammam during 9 – 11 December, 2011.
- One day seminar on Challenges in Current Mathematics Research, organized by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal on 22nd October, 2010.
- Two-day instructional workshop on Mathematics for Technical Institutions, organized by Department of Humanities & Science, BITS, Narsampet during 11-12 August, 2009.
- Participated in First International Science Conclave (A Congregation of Nobel Prize Winners) held at IIIT Allahabad (U.P.) during 15-21 December, 2008.
Membership of Professional Bodies:
- Life member of Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences (APSMS), Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. with membership ID:888a.
- Life member of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), IIT Kharagpur, W.B., India. with membership ID:L/770.
- SIRE (SERB) award for 2023-24 to visit University of California, Riverside, USA for six months.
- Qualified APSET-2012 (SLET/SET) for Lectureship/Assistant Professorship.
- DST International Travel Support for Young Scientists.
- CSIR Travel Grant for Young Scientists/Research Scholars.
- CICS, Chennai Travel Fellowship for International Conference.
- Best Paper Presentation Award in International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer(ICCHMT-2015) organized by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal during Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2015.
- Best Paper Presentation Award in International Conference on Numerical Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow(NHTFF-2018) organized by the Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal during Jan 19 – 21, 2018.
- Certificate of Appreciation from NPTEL for making NIT Mizoram an Active NPTEL Local Chapter for the Session Jan-Jun, 2018.
- Certificate of Appreciation from NPTEL for making NIT Mizoram an Active NPTEL Local Chapter for the Session Jul-Oct, 2018.
- Letter of Appreciation from NPTEL for the efforts during COVID outbreak for supporting the learners of the Swayam NPTEL Local Chapter during the Jan – Apr 2020 semester.
Administrative Responsibilities:
at NIT Kurukshetra:
- Member, NIRF, NBA & NAAC, since September 15, 2023 (No. Gen-I/3883/4569 dated 15-09-2023).
- Faculty In-Charge, Students’ Clubs, since September 15, 2023 (No. Gen-I/3883/4569 dated 15-09-2023).
at NIT Mizoram:
- Head of the Department of BSHSS, September 10, 2022 to August 2023.
- Member, NIRF Core-Committee, August, 2022 to August 2023.
- Assistant Faculty In-charge, Training & Placements, NIT Mizoram, September, 2019 to August 2023.
- Faculty In-charge, Examinations, NIT Mizoram, May, 2019 to November, 2022.
- Nodal Officer, Social Media Cell, NIT Mizoram, May, 2018 to August 2023.
- Assistant Faculty In-charge, Examinations, NIT Mizoram, from May, 2018 to April, 2019.
- Warden, Boys Hostel – IV, NIT Mizoram, August, 2018 to November, 2022.
- Assistant Warden, Boys Hostel – II, NIT Mizoram, from April, 2018 to July, 2018.
- Member, Monitoring committee to scrutinize proposals for attending conference, workshops, etc. since December, 2017.
- Member, Departmental Purchase Committee (BS & HSS, NIT Mizoram), July, 2017 to August 2023.
- SPOC, NPTEL Local Chapter of NIT Mizoram, May 2017 to November, 2022.
- Faculty In-charge, Photography club (DRISHTI), NIT Mizoram, February, 2016 to August 2023.
- Controller of Examinations for 2 years in Jaya Institute of Technology and Science for Women, Warangal, Telangana (June, 2009 – June, 2011).