Conference/ Seminars/Workshops/STPs

Conference/ Seminars

  1. National Seminar on the Impact of IPR on Indian Agriculture during November 18-19, 2000
  2. National Seminar on IPR during November 16-17, 2002
  3. 12th Annual Conference of the Indian Political Economy Association (IPEA) during November 15-16, 2008
  4. One Day Seminar on Ethics and Value Education in Science and Technology on November 14, 2011
  5. National Seminar on Indian Economy in the Post Reform Era (NSIE 2013) during April 19-20, 2013
  6. One Day National Conference on Sustainable Development (NCSD) on December 11, 2017
  7. One Day National Seminar on Gandhian Values in the 21st Century: Contemporary Trends and Challenges (GVCTC-2018)on September 29, 2018
  8. One Day National Seminar on Remembering Mahatma Gandhi: Ideology and Relevance in the Present Era (MGIR-2019) on September 26, 2019 to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi.
  9. One Day National Seminar on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion: Challenges and Road Ahead (GESI-2019) on November 21, 2019
  10. Two Days National Seminar on Indian Economy: Current Status and Future Prospects (NSIE-2023) on May 19-20, 2023
  11. One Day National Conference on Bhagavad Gita: Explorations into World Literature (NCEWL-2023) on August 25, 2023



  1. One Day Workshop on Patent Awareness in October 1999
  2. One Day Workshop on IPR & Technology Management in December 1999
  3. One Week Short-term Course on IPR during April 10-15, 2003
  4. One Week Workshop on Functional English for Non-teaching Staff of the Institute during June 12-16, 2006
  5. National Workshop on IPR and Technological Development during October 31- November 01, 2007
  6. Workshop on Effective Communication Skills in English for School Teachers during January 11-12, 2008
  7. Summer School on IPR sponsored by MHRD during June 30- July 12, 2008
  8. Two Days Short-term Course on Research Methodology and Thesis Writing: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Sponsored by TEQIP) during March 11-12, 2017
  9. Short-term Course on Data Analysis Social Sciences Research during December 18-22, 2017
  10. Short-term Course on Forecasting Models with Application of Software during January 03-07, 2018
  11. Workshop on Introduction to Developing Communication Skills for Employability (Sponsored by TEQIP III) during January 27-31, 2018
  12. One Week Workshop on Professional Communication Skills and Work Culture (PCWC- 2019) sponsored by TEQIP III for Officers and Staff of the Institute during December 16-20, 2019
  13. One Week Workshop on Introduction to Communication Skills for Employability (CSE -2020) sponsored by TEQIP III for B.Tech Students of the Institute during February 21-25, 2020
  14. Two Days Workshop on Role of Bhagavad Gita in Promoting World Security and Peaceduring March 10-11,2022
  15. Two Days Workshop on Value Based Education (VBE) during April 09-10, 2022
  16. Five Days Workshop on Role of Bhagavad Gita in Judiciary System, Human Rights and National Security to commemorate and celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and also the 482nd Birth Anniversary of Maharana Pratap during May 05-09, 2022.
  17. Five Days Workshop on Role of Teachers in Building Crime Free Society during September 05-09, 2022
  18. Five Days Workshop on National Security and Integrity to commemorate the 147th Birth Anniversary of SardarVallabhbhai Patel during October 31-November 04, 2022
  19. Five Days Short Term Course on Structural Equational Modelling (SEM-2022) during December 19-23, 2022.
  20. Five Days Workshop on Soft Skills for Employability (SSE-2023) for B. Tech Students of NIT Kurukshetra during 10-14 March, 2023
  21. Five Days Workshop on Mental Well-being of Students in Residential Programmes (MWP-2025) during January 19-23, 2025