Electrical Engineering


  1. ECE Department has an MOU with HEWLETT PACKARD INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATION PVT. LIMITED, 29 CUNNINGNAM ROAD, BANGALORE-52. Under this MOU, B.Tech final year students are allocated live Projects from HEWLETT PACKARD and jointly monitored by their faculty and those from NIT Kurukshetra.
  2. The Institute offers consultancy services on the design and development problems referred to it by various Govt. and other Industrial Organizations.
  3. TEQIP efforts for Institute- Industry interaction is being attempted to be increased. The Institute organised a two-day workshop on Industry Institute interaction (NWIII-2007) on Feburary 19-20, 2007 at Hotel Shiwalikview Chandigarh, which was largely attended by the leading industry and academia. During the deliberations of the workshop it was agreed upon to enter for a Memorandum of understanding between NIT Kurukshetra and Altair Engineering India regarding setting up of a center of excellence in the field of computer Aided Engineering (CAE) at NIT Kurukshetra for mutual benefits.
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra - 136119,
Haryana (India)