Transportation/Highway Engg:(i) Highway capacity (ii) Highway Materials (iii) Road Safety.
Ultra High Performance Composites under Extreme Loading Conditions Blast Loading Effects on Structures Impact Loading Effects on Structures under High Strain Rates Nonlinear Analysis and Design of Structures Fibre Reinforced Polymers for Retrofitting of Structures
Areas of Current Interest: Experimental Hydraulics Soft computing techniques in water resources engg Water resources management Water Quality
Earthquake Resistant Design of RCC structures, Design of Water retaining structures, proof checking Structural design of RCC buildings, Bridges. Field Testing of Existing RCC Structures.,
Water Resources Engineering Fluvial Hydraulics and Sediment Transport Groundwater Engineering Rainwater Harvesting.
Hydraulic structure, Jet Aeration Systems, Application of Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Water Resources Systems, Experimental Hydraulics, Groundwater, Modeling, Recharge of Groundwater, liquefication, Stabilization, Optimization and relevant applications in Civil Engineering.
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ResearchGate Profile
Records for the last 10-12 years
PhD Supervision :
Completed: 05
Under progress: 03
M. Tech Supervision (from 2013 to present)
Completed: 45;
Paper Published: 47 (in Journal of Repute with Scopus, SCI, SCIE, including ASCE)
Conferences near 200 published (Organised by IITs/NITs/Reputed Institutions including Scopus)
Water quality assessment; Nutirent requirement of biological systems, Eutrophication control, Anaerobic treatment of wastewater
Research Interests: Seismic hazard analysis, ground response analysis, liquefaction susceptibility mapping, strength characteristics of intact rock and rock mass, vibration isolation, behaviour of closely-spaced footings, stabilization of soils, geo-environmental engineering, seismic risk analysis, geosynthetics.
Classification and Feature selection with hyperspectral data, Deep learning for remote sensing image classification, Kernel based classification, Image Fusion, cloud detection. Application of soft computing/Deep Learning techniques in civil engineering and GIS applications in Civil Engineering
Environmental modelling, planning & management; Air and noise pollution; Water and wastewater treatment; Environmental chemistry, microbiology & biotechnology; Solid waste management; Evapotranspiration Analysis; Application of GIS in Environmental Engineering.
Computer Aided Design of Structures, Concrete Technology
Pavements, Materials,Traffic
Earthquake Engineering
Seismic behaviour and Response of steel and RCC moment resisting Frames
Behaviour of Connections in Steel Moment resisting frames
Seismic Torsional Response of MRFs
Base Isolation Studies
Structural Dynamics and Structural AnalysisSeismic Retrofit Rehabilitation and Strengthening
Self-Compacting Concrete using waste materials, High Performance Concrete, Fuzzy Logic for Mix Design and Properties of Concrete, Micro Structure Analysis, XRD and XRF Analysis of Concrete, Use of nano technology in concrete,
Application of various predictive techniques i.e, use of Artificial Neural Network, SVM’s, M5 Model tree to model and predict the various properties of concrete
Concrete, Steel design, Structural Analysis, ECC
Water Resources Engineering, Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Remote Sensing & GIS, Climate change
Finite Element Analysis: Laminated Composite Structures, Sandwich Structures, Functionally graded material Application of FRP in Civil Engineering, ECC
Water Distribution Systems, Water Supply Systems, Water Management, Urban Water Sustainability, Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Optimization, Modeling, Data Structures, Algorithm Development and other related topics etc
Soil stabilization using waste material, ground improvement techniques especially design of Geo- synthetic and fiber reinforced soil structures, earth-retaining structures, geotechnical characterization through element tests, model tests and field tests, Numerical Modelling, ANN
Use of Industrial By-Products in Normal and High Performance Concrete.
Sustainable Development of Concrete using Waste Material.
Use of Nano Silica, Micro Silica and Silica fume in Concrete.
Application of Data Mining Techniques to study various properties of concrete.
Institute Industry Projects for development of Light Weight and Low Cost Concrete.
Micro Structure Analysis, XRD and XRF Analysis of Concrete.
Concrete Technology, Oil well cement, Retrofitting and Strengthening of Masonry Structure, Material Characterization (XRD, XRF, SEM, TGA etc), Self-Compacting Concrete, High Performance Concrete, Carbon Mineralized Concrete, Geopolymer, Early Strength Concrete, Limestone Calcinated clay, Composite materials, Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC)