

Department of ECE boasts of several state-of-the-art laboratories, which support UG/PG students in conducting experiments related to their lab courses and project work. Some of the lab facilities are also being used by faculty members and research scholars for research activities. Following are the list of Laboratories:


S. No.

Name of the Laboratory

Faculty In charge



Communication Lab




DSP lab

Dr. Brahmjit Singh, Professor
Dr. Poonam Jindal, Astt. Prof
Dr. Pankaj Verma, Astt. Prof.
Dr. Karamdeep Singh, Astt. Prof.


Dr. O. P. Sahu, Professor
Dr. Gaurav Verma, Astt. Prof.
Dr. Sandeep Santosh, Astt. Prof.


Mr. Ravinder Goyat
Technical Assistant


Mrs. Pushpa Saini
Sr. Technician


Microprocessor and VLSI Lab

Dr. R K Sharma, Professor
Dr. Ashustosh Nandi, Astt. Prof.
Dr. S. S. Chauhan, Astt. Prof.

Mr. Gopal Krishan
Technical Assistant SG-II


Microwave Lab

Dr. Rajoo Pandey, Professor
Mr. Karan Sharma, Astt. Prof
Mr. Chhagan, Astt. Prof.

Mrs. Poonam
Sr. Tech. Assistant 


Advanced Electronics Lab

Dr. Umesh Ghanekar, Professor
Mr. T. N. Sasamal, Astt. Prof
Dr. Arvind Sharma, Astt. Prof.

Mr. Shiv Raj Chahal
Sr. Tech. Assistant 



Basic Electronics Lab

Dr. Vikas Mittal, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Vrinda Gupta, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Rajender Kumar, Astt. Prof.

Mr. Dalbir Singh
Technician SG-I



Computer Lab

Dr. N. P. Singh, Assoc. Prof.
Ms. Shweta Meena, Astt. Prof.
Mr. D. K. Sharma, Astt. Prof.

Mr. Prithi Singh
Sr. Tech. Officer
Mr. Arjun Singh
Technician SG-I


Communication Lab & DSP Lab

  1. Name of the lab: Communication Lab & DSP Lab
  2. Brief Introduction: Following lab courses are conducted in the Communication Lab.

Besides the above lab courses UG/PG & Research work is also supported by the lab.

3. Size: 75*45 = 3375 sq. feet

4. List of Equipment:


S. No. Name of Major Equipment/Software Qty. Utilization
1 Spectrum Analyzer 01 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
2 Software Define Radio (SDR) 02 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
3 Opti Suite 5 Users 01 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
4 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) 26 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
5 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 20 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
6 LCR Meter 02 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
7 RF Signal Generator 02 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
8 Function Generator 15 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
9 Frequency Counter 10 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
10 Pulse Generator 05 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
11 ISDN Trainer 01 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
12 ECG Machine 01 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
13 Satellite Trainer 01 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
14 GPS Trainer 03 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
15 CDMA Trainer 01 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
16 GSM Trainer 02 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
17 Data Communication Trainer 02 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
18 Data Communication Development Kits 06 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
19 Radar Trainer 02 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
20 Digital Communication Trainer 09 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
22 PAM/PPM/PWM Kits 05 UG
23 MSK Modulation Trainer Kits 05 UG/PG
24 Fiber Optics Comm Trainer 05 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
25 QAM/DQAM Trainer Kits 03 UG/PG
26 Active Filter Trainer Kits 05 UG
27 AM Transmitter/Receiver Kits 05 UG
28 Transmission Line 08 UG/PG
29 Antenna Trainer 04 UG/PG/Projects & Research work
30 Delta/Adaptive/Sigma Trainer Kits 03 UG/PG
31 TDM Trainer Kits 04 UG/PG
32 AM Mod/Demodulation Trainer 04 UG
33 FM Mod/Demodulation Trainer 04 UG
34 PAM Trainer Kits 02 UG
35 PWM Trainer Kits 02 UG
36 PPM Trainer Kits 03 UG
37 Delta Modulation & Demodulation Trainer Kits 05 UG
38 ASK Modulation & DemodulationTrainer Kits 03 UG/PG
39 FSK Modulation & DemodulationTrainer Kits 02 UG/PG
40 PSK Modulation & DemodulationTrainer Kits 02 UG/PG
41 Sampling Theorem  03 UG/PG
42 PCM Modulation & DemodulationTrainer Kits 05 UG/PG
43 DPSK  Modulation & DemodulationTrainer Kits 04 UG/PG
44 QPSK/DQPSK  Modulation & DemodulationTrainer Kits 03 UG/PG
45 Color TV Trainer 02 UG
46 Projector 01 GENERAL PURPOSE
47 DSP Kits 18 DSP Lab for UG
48 Computer System 25 UG/PG

Microprocessor & VLSI Design Lab

  1. Name of the Lab: Microprocessor & VLSI Design Lab
  2. Brief Introduction:



  1. Size (in sq. feet): 1355 Sq. Ft.
  2. List of Equipment/Software:


S. No. Name of Major Equipment/Software Quantity Utilization
1 8086 based PC compatible Microprocessor Kits 15 UG, PG project work
2 Desktop Computers 40 UG, PG project work 
3 Digital & linear IC tester 01 UG, PG project work 
4 Universal Microcontroller kits with Daughter Boards 03 UG, PG project work 
5 Universal IC programmer 01 UG, PG project work 
6 Arbitrary Function Generator 100 MHz , 2 channel 01 UG, PG project work 
7 34 Channel logic analyser 01 UG, PG project work 
8 MSO 1 GHz. 01 UG, PG project work 
9 USB modular data acquisition system 02 UG, PG project work 
10 Virtex – 5 Development board 01 UG, PG project work 
11 Synopsys TCAD tool 03 UG, PG project work
12 Workstation 03 UG, PG project work

Microwave Lab

  1. Name of the lab:   Microwave Lab


  1. Brief Introduction: This lab is used for conducting B. Tech. students classes for Microwave practical (ECT-414) in even semester.


  1. Size (in sq. feet):  30*20 = 600 sq. feet


  1. List of Equipment/Software:


S. No. Name of Major Equipment/Software Quantity Utilization
1 Klystron Based Bench 5 No.  B. Tech classes
2 Antenna Based Bench 3 No.  B. Tech classes
3 Empire 3D Software 1 No.  B. Tech Projects
4 Computer P-IV 2 No.  Lab work
5 Oscilloscope (Analog) 6 No.  B. Tech classes
6 Multiple Output  Power supply 5 No. B. Tech classes

Advanced Electronics Lab

  1. Name of the lab: Advanced Electronics Lab
  2. Brief Introduction: Following lab courses are conducted in Advanced Electronics Lab.



  1. Size (in sq. feet): 1155 sq. feet
  2. List of Equipment/Software:


S. No. Name of Major Equipment/Software Quantity Utilization
1 Digital storage oscilloscope 10 UG practical
2 Digital design kits 20 UG practical
3 CRO 10 UG practical
4 20 MHz Pulse Generator 7 UG practical
5 Function Generator 10 UG practical
6 Multi Function Counter 1 UG practical
7 Motwane Multimeter 6 UG practical
8 Logic analyzer 1 UG practical
9 Digital LCR meter  1 UG practical
10 Digital dc microvolt meter 2 UG practical
11 Tool Kit 16 UG practical
12 Electronics Tool 1 UG practical
13 Set of assemble. Tool 1 UG practical
14 Desktop computer 1 GENERAL PURPOSE
15 Soldering station 2 UG practical

Basic Electronics Lab

  1. Name of the Lab: Basic Electronics Lab
  2. Brief Introduction: Following lab courses are conducted in Basic Electronic Lab.



  1. Size (in sq. feet): 858 sq. feet
  2. List of Equipment/Software:


S. No. Name of Major Equipment/Software Quantity Utilization
1 D.S.O 10 UG Lab
2 Analog C.R.O 05 UG Lab
3 Digital Multimeter  20 UG Lab
4 Design Kits 20 UG Lab
5 Function Generator 10 UG Lab
6 DC multiple power supply 15 UG Lab
7 Experimental Board 30 UG Lab

Computer Lab

  1. Name of the Lab: Computer Center
  2. Brief Introduction: The Computer Center is used to provide computing facilities to the UG/PG students, research scholars, faculty and staff members including networking and printing facilities, along with regular practical classes. Following lab courses are conducted in Computer Center.



  1. Size : 3500 sq. feet (approx.)
  2. List of Equipment/Software:


Sr.No Name of Major Equipment/Software Quantity Utilization
1 Desktop Computer Systems 76 Computing facilities for students, faculty, staff including regular practicals
2 10 KVA UPS 02 To provide backup
3 6 KVA UPS 02 To provide backup
4 Laser Printers B/W 2 To provide printing facilities
5 Wireless Insite S/W 1 user Project work
6 WiLanta Signal Analyser and Generator 1 user Project work
7 MATLAB   Project and practical classes
8 Information Display Panel 1 Teaching aid
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra - 136119,
Haryana (India)