Sr. No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Advanced Manufacturing Technology Lab |
2 | Advanced Mechanical Vibrations Lab |
3 | Advanced Production Technology Lab |
4 | Applied Mechanics Lab |
5 | Applied Numerical Methods Lab |
6 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab |
7 | Computer Aided Design Lab |
8 | Computer and Automation Lab |
9 | Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Lab |
10 | Heat Transfer Lab |
11 | Industrial Engineering Lab |
12 | Measurement and Control Lab |
13 | Mechanical Vibrations Lab |
14 | Mechanics of Machines Lab |
15 | Mechatronics Lab |
16 | Metrology Lab |
17 | Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab |
18 | Strength of Materials Lab |
19 | Thermal Engineering Lab |
20 | Tribology Lab |
21 | Advanced Thermal Engineering Lab |
Details of the Equipment and/or Facilities available in Laboratories
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Lab
Vikas Kumar (
Joy Prakash Misra (
Details of the equipment:

Machining Set Up
Rotary USM Set Up was procured under TEQIP-II. It is based on non-traditional machining concept, and utilizes both the rotary action of the spindle as well as high frequency ultrasonic vibration to machine very delicate, brittle and non-metallic substances with application of very less cutting force. Four PhD scholars are doing their experimental research work currently on this equipment, while one PhD thesis has been completed already.

This equipment was procured under TEQIP-I. CNC wire cut EDM is used for machining of electrically conductive metals with the help of a thin wire electrode. It utilizes the high frequency sparking action for machining purpose. About ten PhD scholars have already completed their research work on this equipment. Many M. Tech. Thesis have also been undertaken on this equipment. A large number of research papers have also been published, including SCI and Scopus indexed Journals. B. Tech. students are also given exposure on this equipment in their lab (APT Lab Pr.)
Computer Aided Design Lab
V S Nagendra Reddy B (

Dell Optiplex 5050 MT Desktop Computers | 30 No.s |
Dell T7810 Workstations | 02 Nos. |
Solidworks | 30 users suit |
Matlab | Campus vide license |
Ansys | Network license |
Metrology Lab
Dr. Lalit Thakur (

It compares the unknown dimensions of a part with some standard or master setting which represents the basic size and dimensional variations from the master setting. Air is supplied at constant pressure through the orifice and the air escapes in the form of jets through a restricted space which exerts a back pressure. The variation in the back pressure is then used to compare the size of a component.

High accuracy Roundness / Cylindricity measuring instrument with achieving easy operation.

It is used to measure the flatness of a component by interference. A flat surface is indicated by a pattern of straight, parallel fringes with equal spacing, while other patterns indicate uneven surfaces.

Useful for checking total composite error, tooth to tooth error of Helical and Spur Gears.

It is used for polishing of metallic samples. Polished samples are further analyzed under microscope for metallurgical studies.

It is used for all precision 2D and 3D measurements.

It is used to measure the weight of the small specimens with an accuracy of 0.01 mg

The profile projector is a very useful optical instrument that is used in industries for the purpose of analysis of the shapes of the components used in different products. The profile makes it easy to measure the dimensions of the specimen with great accuracy.

These are used for precise measurement of linear dimensions.