Message from HOD

It is my pleasure to convey the message for Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra. The Department of Physics started in the year 1963 and is one of the major departments of the Institute offering M.Tech. programs in Instrumentation and M.Tech. in Nanotechnology. The fundamentals of Physics are essential to bridge the gap between Science and Technology for the engineering graduates. The impact of Physics in modern society is reflected in almost every aspect of today’s technologically advanced world.

In assuming the responsibility as Head of the Department in December 2016, I want to emphasize our ongoing commitment to excellence in teaching and research and the credit for the same goes to our dedicated and learned faculty members who are pursuing cutting edge research in their areas of expertise. The results and outcomes of these research endeavours have been published in International and National journal of repute. The department finds pride in stating that in the last three years the faculty members published more than 200 research papers in SCI/ Scopus index journals and were sanctioned five research projects/grants from the Government funding agencies like DST, CSIR, UGC, IUAC etc.

National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra - 136119,
Haryana (India)