Microbus is sophisticated and professional outfit of the institute where the brains of the ELECTRONICS masterminds are nurtured and the talent of the whiz kids synchronized to make every programme successful. In recent times, Microbus has been a hub of activities and have brought laurels to the Institution. To call them merely a society would undermine their very value. Here all the students get integrated and their confidence is reinforced, so as to drive greater mileage from them. Primary focus is on the technical aspects of their respective branches, which touches every nook and corner of the vast info ? highway. We are not only a technical society but also an object oriented one where every single viewpoint is paid heed to. We strive to achieve perfection par excellence with several successful events under our belt. The events have been witnessing increased response from institutions throughout the country. They have been an unbelievable opera of endowment, skills and talent.
Microbus, The Official Technical Society of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, organises various events – workshops, expert lectures, competitions, fun events – at institute and national level. Team members (currently 82) work hard with enthusiasm for the accomplishment of these events. Microbus brings to the nation the following events in annual technical fest, TechSpardha (formerly Literati):
ROBOTICS: Robomaniacs are cordially invited to participate in these events and win handy cash prizes – ROBORYNTH, AUTONOMIA and ROBOWARS.
MODELLING EVENTS: Events that make you think hard and be best at technical skills – MICROLOGIC, MICROCONTROLLER CHALLENGE and E-MODELLING.
FUN EVENTS: They make you laugh and take away your frustration during the heated up days of TechSpardha! Goodies and cash prizes have always been the attraction for participants. These events are – FAMILY FORTUNE and TREASURE HUNT.
BRAIN TEASERS: Participants cry their brains out once they are into these events. Full of riddles and brain-teasing questions, these events are – MASTISHQ and BRAINSTORM.
PAPYRUS VITAE: Do the research and make up the presentation. Demanding for innovative ideas, these events are, namely – PRAYAAS, VISION 2020, MICROSEARCH and IBM CHALLENGE.
MANAGERIAL: Students participate in these events to know what it takes to be at the top in the corporate world – BIG FIGHT and MR. ARISTOTLE.
INITIATIVES: To get the best out of your student life, you should indeed listen to the guidelines from the best of the institute. TECHBEST 2K9, an initiative taken by Arman Garg (convener of TechSpardha ’13 and President of Microbus in 2013), gives you an opportunity to do so.
– Prof. Karan Sharma
Student Heads (2013-14):
– Pratik Sharda, President
– Abhineet Kumar, Vice-President
– Chirag Sharma, Secretary
– Taru Dharra, Girl’s Representative
“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand.” -Colin powell
The tense environment for sure bought out the best out of ever delegate present.
Unveiling some highlights of MUN’18.
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