Research Activities

Research Project Completed

  1. Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Indian Agriculture- A Case Study of Haryana, sponsored by MHRD during 1999-2002
  2. Setting up of IPR Depository on IPR Literature/Case Studies/Materials sponsored by MHRD during 2002-05
  3. Impact Assessment of PM KisanSammanNidhi Scheme under the call for Short-term Empirical Researchof Indian Council of Social SciencesResearch 2023-24


PhDs Completed 

Name (Mr./Ms.) Supervisor(s) Regn. Date Completion Date Topic
Ms. Mitu G. Matta Dr. Rajender Kumar, Dr. P.J. Philip 30.05.2005 2008 Influence of Store Image on Shopper’s Product Evaluation: A Study of National Capital Region
Ms. Yashu Rai Dr. K.B. Singh 03.11.2005 2008 Kamala Das: A Study in Confessional Mode of Poetry
Ms. Amandeep Kaur Dr. Rajender Kumar 22.11.2006 08.12.2009 Impact of WTO on Livestock and Livestock Related Products in India
Ms. Sapna Hooda Dr. Rajender Kumar 14.12.2007 29.03.2011 A Study of FDI and Indian Economy
Ms. Aditi Ahooja Dr. Rajender Kumar, Dr. Kiran Mor 26.12.2007 23.03.2012 A Study of Indian Banking Sector: Performance Analysis Since Liberalization
Mr. Ranjeet Verma Dr. Kiran Mor    Dr. Siddharatha S. Bhardwaj, (KUK) 27.11.2006 27.08.2012 Brand Building Practices in Indian Automobile Industry-A Comparative Study with reference to Different Passenger Cars
Ms. Anshu Bhardwaj Dr. Vikas Choudhary, Dr. Anil K Sharma, (IIT Roorkee) 24.12.2007 02.09.2013 Financial Leverage and Firm’s Value: A Study of Capital Structure of Selected Manufacturing Sector Firms in India
Ms. Suman Tandon Dr. Vikas Choudhary 26.12.2007 28.04.2014 Performance Appraisal of Public Sector Banks in India
Ms. Neetu Choudhary Dr. Rajender Kumar,                Dr. P.J. Philip 01.07.2010 23.01.2014 A Study of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Organisational Justice in the Indian Service Sector
 Ms. Upasana Singh Dr. K B Singh,   Dr. P.J. Philip 20.12.2007 05.02.2015 Hemingway’s Shakespeare: A Study in Intertexuality
Ms. Sulekha Dr. Kiran Mor 24.02.2011 03.09.2015 Market Segmentation for Personal Care Products: A Comparative Study of HUL and ITC in Haryana
Ms. Geetu Sapra Dr. Kiran Mor 23.02.2011 19.02.2016 Impact of Demographic Characteristic of Consumers on Exploratory Tendencies – An Empirical Study
Ms. Vandana Sehgal Dr. Rajender Kumar 23.11.2011 19.02.2016 Composition and Direction of India’s Foreign Trade with BRICS
Ms. Chetna Sharma Dr. Rajender Kumar 09.07.2012 19.02.2016 Green Brand Perception: A Study on Energy Efficient Durable Goods in India
Ms. Kritika Dr. Vikas Choudhary, Dr. C. P. Gupta, (DU) 10.07.2012 12.04.2016 Corporate Governance and Firm’s Performance: A Study of Selected BSE 500 Companies
Ms. Preeti Sehgal Dr. Vikas Choudhary 25.02.2011 26.05.2016 Performance Evaluation Of Mutual Funds (A Study of Selected Mutual Funds in India)
Mr. Saurabh Verma Dr. Rajender Kumar,  Dr. P.J. Philip 03.10.2012 24.02.2017 Purchase of Counterfeit Products: A Study of Consumer Behaviour
Ms. Anshu Lochab Dr. Kiran Mor 20.03.2013 24.04.2017 Protean and Boundaryless Career Orientation: A Study of IT Professionals in NCR
Mrs. Sethia Savneet Dr. Kiran Mor 22.02.2011 22.10.2018 Consumption Pattern of Selected Food and Non Food Items: An Empirical Study of Rural and Urban Households in Haryana
Mr. Sunil Kumar Yadav Dr. Rajender Kumar 22.03.2013 24.01.2019 TRIPs and Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Ms. Garima Saini Dr. Shabnam 18.02.2017 25.01.2023 An Investigation of Cognitive and Behavioural Correlates of Mental Self Government (MSG) in Different Career Personality Types
Ms. Seema Dr. Geeta Sachdeva 18.02.2017 13.06.2023 Moonlighting Intentions of Contemporary Careers: A Study of I.T. Professionals
Ms. Sarah Siddiqui Dr. Shahida 25.08.2014 23.01.2024 Nund Rishi: A Study in Socio-Political Milieu of Kashmir