SMDP Achievements & IEP

Achievements of SMDP-C2SD project

Under SMDP-C2SD Project, the following ASIC design and IP Cores have been successfully implemented:

S.No. Objectives FPGA / ASIC
1 AES-128 bit encryption-decryption IP Core FPGA (Done)ASIC (in progress)
2 A digitally controlled low dropout Voltage regulator to supply voltage of 1.0-1.2 V ASIC

IEP Attended during 2015-18

Sr. No. IEP  Topic Date No. of participants attended Name of the Participants attended
1 “System Level Design on Platform FPGA’s” at IIT Delhi 7-9th Dec,2015 1 Dr. Ashutosh Nandi,Assistant Professor,ECE, NIT Kurukshetra
2 “Analog, Mixed-Signal and RF System Design” at IIT Bombay 11-13th July 2016 1 Dr. R.K. Sharma,Professor,ECE, NIT Kurukshetra
3 2nd ZOPP Workshop of SMDP-C2SD project at  IIT Bombay October 21-22, 2016 1 Dr. R.K. Sharma,Professor,ECE, NIT Kurukshetra
4 Introduction to Analog and Digital VLSI Design at IIT Guwahati April , 10th to 14th 2017 1 Mr. Gaurav SainiAssistant ProfessorECE, NIT Kurukshetra

EDA Tools Training Attended during 2015-18

S. No.  Name of the faculty and designation Area of training Venue Duration
1. Mr. Gaurav SainiAssistant Professor Modeling, Simulation of Nano-Transistors IIT Kanpur  13th  to 17th  February 2017 
2. Mr. Gaurav SainiAssistant Professor Cadence Tool Training Programme PSG Coimbatore   23rd to 25th  January 2017  
3. Mr. Rahul Shandilya Under SMDP XILINX EDA Tool Training Thaper University, Patiala 16th to 24th  January 2017 
3. Mr. Ashish JasujaGuest FacultyUnder SMDP-C2SD XILINX EDA Tool Training Thaper University, Patiala 16th to 24th  January 2017 
4. Mr. Jada HarshilResearch AssociateUnder SMDP Synopsys Tool Training workshop NIT Jaipur 28th Nov. to 2nd  Dec. 2017 
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra - 136119,
Haryana (India)