Karan Sharma (Head of Department)

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    B.E.(Electronics & Communication Engineering) TIET Patiala(1987 Batch)
Email:    ksharma_nitk@yahoo.co.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

Microwave Engg. Applications, Communication Engg.

 Brahmjit Singh

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. (Wireless Networks), M.E. (Microwaves & Radar ), B.E. (Electronics Engineering )
Email:    brahmjit@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233271, 01744-233416
Area of Interest:   

Machine Learning in Wireless Communication, Low complexity Security solutions for IoT

 R.K. Sharma

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. ( Jan,2007, NIT Kurukshetra)
Email:    rksharma@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9896688346. 01744-233-419
Area of Interest:   

Current Interest:
Low Power VLSI Circuit Design, Digital IC design, Embedded System Design Applications, Disease Diagnosis in Human beings using Voice Profiling,


 O.P. Sahu

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    PhD (2005, NIT Kurukshetra)
Email:    ops_nitk@yahoo.co.in
Phone No:    01744233443, 8901288989, 0174423807
Area of Interest:   

Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communication, Signals and Systems, Information and Coding Theory

 Umesh Ghanekar

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D.
Email:    ugnitk@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9034833959
Area of Interest:   

Current Interest: Communication engineering, Image Processing,Signal processing, Optical communication, Audio visual Engg..

 Rajoo Pandey

Designation:    Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. (2002), I.I.T. Roorkee
Email:    rajoo_pandey@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-9416840435, 01744-233421
Area of Interest:   

Communication Systems, Signal Processing, Neural Networks, Image Processing

 Vikas Mittal

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    B. Tech (RECK), M.Tech (RECK), Ph. D.(NITK)
Email:    vikas_mittal@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9354411031, +91-1744-233422
Area of Interest:   

Signal and Image Processing, Signal Processing in Control Systems, Wavelets in Control Systems, Satellite Image Processing, Image Fusion, Data Fusion, Biomedical signal processing, Renewable energy, Sensors, Cyber physical systems


 Niraj Pratap Singh

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D (NIT Kurukshetra) M.E. (BIT Mesra Ranchi) B. E. (BIT Mesra Ranchi)
Email:    npsingh@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233423, 9416412522
Area of Interest:   

wireless communications, cognitive radio, mobility management issues,D2D communication, and mm wave communication

 Vrinda Gupta

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:    Ph. D. (NIT Kurukshetra)
Email:    vrindag16@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-1744-233414, 9466435828
Area of Interest:   

Wireless and Mobile Communication, Computer Networks, Ad-hoc & Wireless Sensor Networks, Network & Information Security, Internet of Things, Co-operative Communication, Next Generation Wireless Networks


 Arvind Kumar

Designation:    Associate Professor
Qualification:     Ph. D., NIT Kurukshetra, M. E. MNNIT Allahabad, B. Tech. J K Institute Allahabad University, B. Sc. (Maths) Rohilkhand University Bareilly
Email:    arvind_sharma@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233429
Area of Interest:   

Wireless Communication Systems:, MIMO, OFDM,  MIMO-OFDM systems, and massiveMIMO. Digital Signal and Image Processing, Optical Communication, Antenna and Wave Propagation.

 Sandeep Santosh

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    M.Tech (ECE)(From deptt. of ECE ,NIT Kurukshetra in Jan.
Email:    profsandeepkkr@gmail.com
Phone No:    9992588932
Area of Interest:   

Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communication, Microwave Engg.,Optical Communication.

 Rajender Kumar

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D from N I T Kurukshetra M.Tech (Honors) from N I T Kurukshetra B.Tech from Kanpur University
Email:    rkumar@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-8950603123, +91-1744233139
Area of Interest:   

Current area of research : Internet of Things (IoT/IoV), Deep learning/ ML/ AI, Wireless Sensor, Network (WSN) & challenges, Optimisation Techniques/ Game Theory, Wireless Network, CRN
and Vertical Handover Issues


 Shweta Meena

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D., M.Tech (VLSI System Design), B.Tech (ECE)
Email:    mail2shwetameena@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

VLSI Design, Spintronics based MTJs, Microelectronics, Molecular Engineering of 2D materials, Energy Storage Applications (ion-batteries and hydrogen storage), Computational Study of 2D Materials Based Nano-Devices.

Web Page: https://meenashweta.github.io/

 Poonam Jindal

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D NIT Kurukshetra M.E. ThaparUniversity, Patiala
Email:    poonamjindal81@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233552, 9466620527
Area of Interest:   

Wireless Network Security, Cryptography, Physical Layer Security, Wireless Communication, IoT security

 Gaurav Verma

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    P.hD Completed
Email:    gaurav@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01755235910
Area of Interest:   

Students who would like to purse Ph.D. or any research-oriented work under me, are always welcome.
Wireless Communications, Cognitive Radio Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Semiconductor Devices, VLSI Design, Embedded System Design, MIMO Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Cryptography and Security, LTE, OFDM, etc.

 Pankaj Verma

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:     Ph.D., National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra M Tech in Microwave and Optical Communication, Delhi Technological University(formerly Delhi College of Engineering), 2011 AMIETE (Associate Member of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering), 2009
Email:    pankaj@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +919588374320
Area of Interest:   

Wireless Communication, Cognitive Radio
Optical Communication

 Gaurav Saini

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. (NIT Kurukshetra) M. Tech. (NIT Hamirpur)
Email:    gauravsaini@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    01744-233141, 8950461132
Area of Interest:   

Students who would like to purse Ph.D. or any research-oriented work with me, are always welcome. Microelectronics, Nanoscale VLSI Devices, Low Power VLSI Design

 Trailokya Nath Sasamal

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D.(NIT kurukshetra), M.Tech. (DTI) IIT BHU, 2011, B.Tech. (ECE) BPUT, Odisha, 2007
Email:    tnsasamal.ece@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    8950333079
Area of Interest:   

Digital Circuits, FPGA design & Hardware Security, Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA), Fault Tolerant Architecture, Embedded System Design Applications, Low power VLSI design, Reconfigurable computing. Students who would like to pursue Ph.D. or any research-oriented work with me, are always welcome.

 Chhagan Charan

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    PhD (Aug 2018, NIT-Kurukshera) M.Tech (2011, Delhi Technological University, Delhi) B.E. (2009, Engineering College Bikaner, University of Rajsthan)
Email:    chhagan.charan@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-8607283446
Area of Interest:   

Cognitive Radio Networks, NOMA, Digital communication, Microwave engg., Wireless sensor networks, Wireless Communications, MIMO Systems, Next generation of communication systems and IoT.

 Ashutosh Nandi

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:     Phd (Microelectronics and VLSI) - IIT Roorkee M. Tech (VLSI Design) - NIT Hamirpur
Email:    ashutosh.chl@gmail.com
Phone No:    7206227623, +917206227623, 01744-233 339
Area of Interest:   

Low power and low temperature VLSI design, device circuit co-design in digital/analog domain, device modeling of multigate semiconductor devices.
GATE qualified students who would like to purse Phd or any research-oriented work under me, are always welcome. I take PhD students from both ECE Dept. and School of VLSI. My updated profile can be accessed from google scholar.

 Dheeraj Kumar Sharma

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D from NIT Kurukshetra, M.Tech (Communication Systems) from IIT Roorkee, B.Tech (Electronics) from Aligarh Muslim University
Email:    sharma986dheeraj@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91-7206435934, +91-9897715970
Area of Interest:   

VLSI Design, Cryptographic Boolean Functions, Stream and Block Ciphers, Software and Hardware implementation of stream and block ciphers, Pipelining Architecture, Resource constrained devices, Lightweight Cryptography, PAPR reduction in OFDM system, Algebraic Attack, Crypranalysis, Cyber Physical System, Information Theory and Coding, Error Control Coding.

The students who would like to purse Phd (regular/part time/sponsored/self finance) in VLSI, Electronics and Communication Engineering or any research-oriented work under me, are always welcome. My updated profile can be accessed from google scholar.

 Karamdeep Singh

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    PhD, PDF (IIT Madras)
Email:    karamdeep.ece@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9915037810
Area of Interest:   

Fiber Optics, Optical Signal Processing, Microwave Photonics, Multimode Photonics, Fiber Mode Locked Lasers (Active/Passive), Optical Communication Systems, Optical Frequency Combs, Design of optical Amplifiers for WDM Networks.

For more details please visit personal homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/karamdeep-singh/home


 Banavathu Bhaskara Rao

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph. D.
Email:    b.bhaskararao@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    9440188027
Area of Interest:   

Digital Signal Processing

 Hemant Sharma

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph.D. (MNIT Jaipur, 2017), M.Tech. (NIT Tiruchirappalli, 2013), B.Tech. (Rajasthan Technical University Kota, 2010)
Email:    hsharma@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

Digital Signal and Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Signal Processing,

 Dr. Ghanapriya Singh

Designation:    Assistant Professor
Qualification:    Ph. D. (IIT Delhi), M.Tech (NSUT)
Email:    ghanapriya@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    +91 9068289740
Area of Interest:   

Context awareness, Image processing, Bio-Medical Signal Processing, Speech Processing, Signal Processing for IoT and Applied Machine Learning.

 Dr. Dharmendra Singh Yadav

Designation:    Assistant Professor (Grade-I)
Qualification:    PhD
Email:    dharmendra_singh@nitkkr.ac.in
Phone No:    
Area of Interest:   

VLSI Design: Nano-electronics Devices, Thin films transistors, Semiconductor Device and circuits. Device Modeling: MOS Devices Modeling and Numerical simulation analysis of Semiconductor devices Electrical Characterization of semiconductor devices in MHz and THz frequency ranges. Circuit Design: Ultra Low Power SRAM / DRAM / RRAM based Memory Circuit Design from Devices to Array Architecture using CMOS and Advanced CMOS Devices technologies. Machine Learning in Semiconductor device/circuit-based application in research.

 Sunil Sharma

Designation:    Assistant Professor (On Contract)
Qualification:    P.hD
Email:    ersunil0@gmail.com
Phone No:    +91-9416482505
Area of Interest:   

Signal Processing

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