Attendance Notices
- Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2023 Examination Session
- Session 2023-24
- Session 2022-23
- Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester].
- Supplementary Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester].
- 12-05-2023 Supplementary Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations for MayJune-2023 Examination Session
***************************** Old records ***********************************
13-12-2022 Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2022 Examination Session.
06-12-2022 Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2022 Examination Session.
11-05-2022 Supplementary Detained List of Theory for End Semester Examinations of MayJune-2022 under (Phase-II)
09-05-2022 Supplementary Detained List of Practical for MayJune 2022
24-12-2021 : Notification Regarding Additional Extension of Six Months for Ph.D. Programs COVID-19 Pandemic Period
24-11-2021 : Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for Nov/Dec-2021 Examination Session under (Phase-II)
16-11-2021 : Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations NovDec-2021
16-11-2021 : Attendance benefit for Odd Semester of Academic Session 2021-22
30-06-2021 : Revised Detained List of Physics Deptt. (Theory) End Semester Examinations June-2021 [B.Tech. 2nd Semester] [Phase-V]
23-06-2021 : Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations [June-2021]
22-06-2021 : Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations June-2021 [B.Tech. 2nd Semester]
15-06-2021 : Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations June 2021 [B.Tech 2nd Semester
17-06-2021 : Supplementary Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations [June-2021]
06-05-2021 : Supplementary Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations
10-05-2021 : Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations
06-05-2021 : Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations
03-05-2020 : Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations MayJune 2021
26-03-2021 : Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations MarchApril- 2021
08-03-2021 : Supplementary-III Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations March 2021
04-03-2021 : Notification for Re-Appear Examination MayJune-20210
4-03-2021 : Supplementary-II Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations March 2021
02-03-2021 : Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations March 2021
01-03-2021 : Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations March 2021
24-02-2021 : Detained List of Practical End Semester March 2021 Examinations
18-12-2020 : Revised Detained List of B.Tech. Mechanical (MEPC-16)
16-12-2020 : Revised Detained List of B.Tech. Mechanical & PIE (MEPC-16 & PRPC-23)
15-12-2020 : Revised Detained List of MEPE-28 & HSIR-14 course code
03-12-2020 : Detained List of B.Tech Mechanical and Production & Industrial Engineering
02-12-2020 : Detention List of UG Civil Engineering and ECE
20-04-2019 : Notice & Undertakings format settle for maximum D Grade due to detention in End Semester Exams
18-04-2019 : Revised letter for Short fall in_attendance in even semester 2018-19
23-11-2017 : Detainsion List of UG PG for Nov. Dec.,2017
10-11-2017 : Shortfall in attendance in Odd Semester 2017-18
10-11-2017 : Notification for Attendance benefit Odd Semester 2017-18
14.04.2017 : Attendance benefit on medical, compelling reasons, co-curricular activities etc.
14.04.2017 : Short fall in attendance in Even Semester 2016-17
15-11-16 : Attendance benefit on medical, compelling reasons, co-curricular activities etc.
15-11-16 : Short fall in attendance in Odd Semester 2016-17
12-04-2016 : Notice for Attendance benefit on medical and compelling reasons.
23-04-15 : Illustration of Attendance Norms and Detention.
23-04-15 : Notice of Shortfall in Attendance in Even Semester 2014-15.
21-04-15 : Revised Attendance Rules.
20-04-15 : Notice of Short attendance of Adarsh Meena (1130513), Civil Engg. (subject:- DSS-I-CET-204).
13-04-15 : Notice for Attendence benefit on Extra Curricular Activities.
18-03-15 : List of Students whose Attendence less than 75% upto 24.02.2015. Electrical Engg. Deptt. Subject-(UEE, Seminar, DP-II) (Data Comm. & Network).
17-03-15 : List of Students whose Attendence less than 75% upto 24.02.2015. Electrical Engg. Deptt. Subject- (ET-408) (ET-404).
16-03-15 : List of Students whose Attendence less than 75% upto 24.02.2015. List 4
14-03-15 : List of Students whose Attendence less than 75% upto 24.02.2015. List 3
13-03-15 : List of Students whose Attendence less than 75% upto 24.02.2015. List 2
13-03-15 : List of Stundents whose Attendence less than 75% upto 24.02.2015. List 1