Notifications (Archieved)
- Notification reg. refund of fee
- Notification for Extension in last date for submission of Re-appear Exam Forms for MayJune-2024 Session
- Revised Notification of Open Elective Courses for B.Tech. 7th Semester of AY 2024-25.
- Notification of Open Elective Courses for B.Tech. 7th Semester of AY 2024-25.
- Income certificate submission for availing rebate in tution fee for AY 2024-25
- Notice for students who are not reporting
- Notification for Submission of Income Certificates for AY 2024-25
- Extension in Last date for submission of Reappear Exam Forms for May/June-2024 Exam Session
- Revised Time Slots for Mid Semester Exam-II for May/June-2024 Examination Session
- Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II for May/June-2024 Examination Session
- M.Tech 4th Semester Dissertation Performas for AY 2023-24
- Reappear cut list of PG External Examination Even Semester (May/June, 2024)
- Notification Regarding End Semester Examinations of May/June-2024 examination session for reappear examinees
- Rescheduling of Mid Semester Exam-II of AY 2023-24
- Notification regarding suspension of classes on 15th March 2024
- Office Order Regarding Including the names in the Provisional Roll Sheets of Even Semester of AY 2023-24 (Phase-III)
- Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I for MayJune-2024 Examination Session.
- Notice Regarding Annual Sports Meet CITIUS 2023-24 Class Schedule on 09.02.2024.
- Office Order regarding withdrawn the name of student from the Open Elective MEE1O76
- Office Order Regarding Including the names in the Provisional Roll Sheets of Even Semester of AY 2023-24 (Phase-II)
- Office Order Regarding Including the names in the Provisional Roll Sheets of Even Semester of AY 2023-24
- Notice for Sessional Improvement Exam for Even Semester of AY 2023-24 (Last Date 14.02.2024).
- Notification for B.Tech. 2015 batch (Mercy Chance) as per Senate norms
- Final Allotment of M.Tech. Open Elective (2023 Batch) 2nd Semester A.Y. 2023-24
- Fee Payment link for Even Semester 2023-24
- Registration process for even semester 2023-24
- Registration Process For Even Semester of Academic Year 2023-24.
- List of Dues with respect to Accounts Section, Library and Hostels
- Tentative Allotment of Open Elective to M.Tech. 2023 Batch 2nd Semester. The discrepancy if any may be reported at email id by 05.00 P.M ,01.01.2024.
- Notification and final allotment of Open Elective for B.Tech. 8th Semester of Academic Year 2023-24
- Notification reg. continuance of further study after a gap of two semesters or more
- Final Cut List of Internal & External Reappear Examinees for NovDec 2023 Examination Session.
- Last Date for Submission of Registration form for Odd Semester of A.Y. 2023-24 is up to 05:00 P.M, 18.12.2023, failing which they will not be promoted to next semester .
- Provisional-1 Allotment of Open Elective Course to B.Tech. 8th Semester Students of Civil, Computer, IT and ECE Branch in AY 2023-24
08-12-23 : Provisional Allotment of Open Elective Course to B.Tech. 8th Semester Students of Civil, Computer, IT and ECE Branch in AY 2023-24( Last date for sending discrepancy, if any is up to 05:00 pm on 15-12-2023 ) OE Group-I & OE Group-II
- Regarding date Extension to fill M.Tech. 2nd semester Open Elective Application form (A.Y. 2023-24).
- Notice Regarding M.Tech. Open Elective Courses 2nd Semester (A.Y. 2023-24)
- Notification for Open Elective for M.Tech. 2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-24
- Regarding Foundation for Excellence (FFE) Scholarship:
- Google form – Apply at and To get more information, visit the website.
- Notification regarding Allotment of Open Elective Course for B.Tech 8th Semester (A.Y. 2023-24)
- ## Click here to Fill/Indicate choices: Google Form Link
- Notice regarding suspension of Classes during Confluence-2023
- Office Order Regarding Admission Cancellation of B.Tech. 2023 Batch
- Notification & Revised Academic Calendars with minor modifications for All UG & PG Programs for AY 2023-24 [For Even & Odd Semesters]
- Notice for Final Roll sheet of UG programs for 1st Semester of 1st Year during AY 2023-24
- List of eligible students of UG & PG for Diamond Jubilee Mercy Chance of Nov.Dec. 2023 examination session
- (Revised) Physical Reporting schedule for newly admitted M.Tech/M.Sc. candidates through Regular Special National Spot Rounds of CCMTCCMN 2023 counselling process for the academic year 2023-24.
- Notice for Sessional Improvement Exam for Odd Semester of AY 2023-24 (Last Date 31.08.2023)
- Notification for Extension for Submission of Diamond Jubilee Mercy Chance Exam Form of AY 2023-24 (Last Date 31.08.2023).
- Notification for change in name of B.Tech. Programme from Computer Engineering to Computer Science and Engineering w.e.f. A.Y. 2024-25
- Notification regarding relaxation of experience for employees of DRDO-R&D Organizations-Govt. Organizations for admission under M.Tech. Sponsored Category
- Office Order regarding adding name in roll sheet of MBA 1st Year 1st Semester 2023 Batch
- Soft Copy of Provisional Roll Sheets of UG & PG programs for Odd Semester of AY 2023-24.
- Final Cut List of Reappear examination for MayJune-2023
- Revised Schedule of Classes for Odd Semester of A.Y. 2023-24
- Supplementary List
of Option form for Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examin ation for May/June-2023 - Consolidated dues position of students with respect to Accounts, Library and Hostels
- Extension in Last date of Submission of Income Certificates for Odd Semester of AY 2023-24
- Supplementary Provisional cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XXV]
- Notification for Submission of Income Certificates for AY 2023-24Link for submission of Income Certificate
- Notice regarding extension of M.Tech. Thesis submission.
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XXIV]
- Supplementary List of Option form for Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2023
- Revised Supplementary Provisional cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XXIII]
- Supplementary Provisional cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XXIII]
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XXII]
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XXI]
- Supplementary List of Option form for Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2023
- Submission of Diamond Jubilee Mercy Chance examination forms (Re-appear) during odd semester (July-Dec., 2023) of Academic Year 2023-24.
- Revised Supplementary-II Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester].
- Revised Supplementary-I Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester].
- Supplementary-II Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester].
- Supplementary-I Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester]. Phase-III
- Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester].
- Supplementary Detained List of End Semester Examinations for MayJune 2023 Examination Session [B.Tech 2nd Semester].
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XVIII]
- Clarification regarding extension for submission of M.Tech. Dissertation Internship Project Report in Even Semester of AY 2022-23
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XVII]
- Supplementary List of Option form for Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2023
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XVI]
- Supplementary List of Option form for Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2023
- List of selected candidates for the year 2022-23 (fresh) under the scheme of National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST students
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XV]
- Open Elective-Allotment-2023-24 (7thSem)-Provisional
- Mercy chance during Diamond Jubilee celebration
- New B.Tech.programmes & re-distribution of seats
- Reg. registration & cancellation fee
- Reg. Ph.D. thesis submission
- Reg. Continuation of Scholarship for Ph.D.
- Reg. Fee for gap period
- Reg. Re-registration for Ph.D.programme
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XIV]
- Supplementary List of Option form for Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2023
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XIII]
- List of Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2023
- Notification & time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II of B.Tech. 2nd Semester of AY 2022-23 for MayJune-2023 examination session
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-XII]
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-X]
- Re-Appear Cut List of PG External Examination (May-June, 2023 Phase-III)
- Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations for MayJune-2023 Examination Session
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-IX]
- Notification regard
ing Allotment of Open Elective Course for B.Tech 7th Semeste r (A.Y. 2023-24)Link for Google Form For B.Tech 7th Semester - Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-VIII]
- Extension in Last date for Submission of Re-appear Examination forms for MayJune-2023 Examination Session
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-VII]
- Re-Appear Cut List of PG External Examination (May-June, 2023 Phase-II)
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-V]-Part-I
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-V]-Part-II
- Supplementary Provisional Reappear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-V] Part-1Part-2
- Result of B.Tech. 5th Semester Civil Engg
- Result of M.Tech 4th Semester Cyber Security 32013218
- Notification Regarding Option form for Maximum ‘D’ Grade for students of B.Tech. 2021 Batch or prior having attendance less than 50% [Last date to submit form is 17.04.2023]
- Notification & time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II of Even Semester of AY 2022-23 for MayJune-2023 examination session
- With reference to DO letter of Ministry of Scheduled Tribe for ST students who are Facing Difficulties or Inability in Paying Institute Fee
- Submission of Application for Engineers India Limited Scholarship for undergraduate SCST students for the Year 2022 23
- Re-Appear Cut List of PG External Examination (May-June, 2023 Phase-I)
- Notification of Allowing Students to Study Semester onwards Under New Scheme of Batch 2022
- Final List of Merit Scholarship for Academic Year 2022-23
- Notification & time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of B.Tech. 2nd Semester of AY 2022-23 for MayJune-2023 examination session
- Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-IV]
- Mid Semester Exam-I Schedule of B.Tech, Second Semester 2022-23
- Schedule for Physical Verification of Documents of B.Tech. students admitted in NIT Kurukshetra in AY 2022-23 through JoSAA CSAB-2022
- Rescheduling of Mid Semester Exam-I for B.Tech. 2nd Semester of AY 2022-23
- Extension in Registration for B. Tech. 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2022-23
- Regarding Admission Withdrawal of 21 Nos. of B.Tech. students of AY 2022-23
- Even Semester 2022-23 Fee Structure for B.Tech. 2022 batch
- Notification Regarding End Semester Examination for MayJune-2023 examination session for reappear examinees
- Registration Process of B.Tech. 2nd Semester in Even Semester of AY 2022-23
- 2nd Semester Time Table
- 24-02-2023 Provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech.-2022 Batch 2nd Semester 1st Year 2022-23.
- 24-02-2023 Soft Copy of Provisional Roll Sheets of UG programs of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for Even Semester of AY 22-23
- 24-02-2023 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-III]
- 24-02-2023 Provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech.-2022 Batch 2nd Semester 1st Year 2022-23.
- 23-02-2023 Rescheduling of Mid Semester Exam-I on 24.02.2023-Regarding
- 23-02-2023 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-II]
- 23-02-2023 Opening of application for Post-Matric Scholarship of Jharkhand State for the AY 2022-23
- 22-02-2023 Tentative list of Merit Scholarship for Academic Year 2022-23
- 22-02-2023 IMPORTANT NOTICE End Sem Exam February, 2023
- 18-02-2023 List of eligible students of B.Tech. 2014 batch (Mercy Chance) for MayJune-2023 & NovDec-2023 examination session
- 17.02.2023 Proforma for continuation of institute scholarshipProforma for continuation of institute scholarship
- 16-02-2023 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2023) [Phase-I]
- Supplementary Detained List of B.Tech. 1st semester of Nov.Dec 2022 Examination Session
- Detained List of B.Tech. 1st semester of Nov.Dec 2022 Examination Session
- ONGC Merit Scholarship for SC,ST,OBC and General EWS for A.Y. 2021-22 (Last date for filling an application is 06.03.2023)
- Revised Notice Regarding Annual Sports Meet CITIUS 2022-23 Class Schedule on 03.02.2023.
- Annual Sports Meet CITIUS 2022-23 Class Schedule on 03.02.2023
- 20-01-2023 Notification regarding rescheduling of some classes from 21.01.2023 to 24.01.2023
- 19-01-2023 Notification for late submission of Income Certificate and late submission of Semester Fee
- 13.01.2023 Notification Regarding ‘Techspardha’ and E-Summit
- 12.01.2023 B.Tech. curriculum & scheme
- 12.01.2023 Soft copy of Final Roll Sheets of UG programs of B.Tech. 1st Semester for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2022-23
- 12.01.2023 Notification for B.Tech. 2014 batch (Mercy Chance) as per Senate norms
- 12.01.2023 Soft copy of Provisional Roll Sheets of UGPG programs (Except 2nd Semester of B.Tech.) for Even Semester of Academic Year 2022-23
- 12.01.2023 Notification Regarding Internal Reappear Examination for MayJune-2023 Examination Session
- 09-01-2023 Notification & time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II of B.Tech. 1st Semester for NovDec-2022-Examination Session.
- 09-01-2023 Final Allotment of M.Tech. Open Elective (2022 Batch) 2nd Semester A.Y. 2022-23
- 05-01-2023 NIT Kurukshetra Alumni Association invites applications for Financial Support for the Even Semester from needy students, Academic Session (2022-23)
- 04-01-2023 Notice for the B.Tech. students who requested for admission withdrawal A.Y. 2022-23
- 04-01-2023 Tentative Allotment of Open Elective to M.Tech. 2022 Batch 2nd Semester. The discrepancy if any may be reported at email id by 05.00 P.M ,05.01.2023
- 03-01-2023 REGISTRATION PROCESS FOR EVEN SEMESTER OF ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-23 (Except B.Tech. 2nd Semester)
- 03-01-2023 Notice regarding incomplete registration formalities upto Odd Semester of AY 2022-23
- 03-01-2023 Supplementary Re-Appear cut list of External Reappear Examinations (Nov.Dec 2022) [Phase-VII]
Notifications for Academic Year 2022
- 22-12-2022 Soft copy of Provisional Roll Sheets of UG Programs of Open Elective for B.Tech. 8th Semester (Even Semester) of Academic Year 2022-23
- 22-12-2022 Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2022 Examination Session [M.Tech.] under Phase-II
- 20-12-2022 Detained-List-of-Theory-End-Semester-Examinations-for-NovDec-2022-Examination-Session. [M.Tech.]
- 19-12-2022 Date sheet -End Semester B.Tech (Re-appear )Theory Examination Civil Engg. Deptt
- 16-12-2022 Supplementary Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (Nov.Dec 2022) [Phase-VI]
- 16-12-2022 Supplementary Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (Nov.Dec 2022) [Phase-VI]
- 14-12-2022 Re-Appear Cut List of PG External Examination (Nov-Dec, 2022 Phase-VI)
- 14-12-2022 Date Sheet -End Sem. B.Tech Theory examination_rotated
- 13-12-2022 Corrigendum Revised Decision of UMC Cases
- 13-12-2022 Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2022 Examination Session (Phase-III)
- 13-12-2022 Updated Schedule of End Semester Exam NovDec 2022 of M.Tech CO & CS- COE Deptt.
- 13-12-2022 Schedule of End Semester exam of B.Tech (Re-Appear) NovDec 2022- COE Deptt.
- 13-12-2022 Schedule and Seating Plan of B.Tech 1st Sem. Mid Sem Exam-I, ODD Sem 2022-23 for students
- 13-12-2022 Supplementary Re-Appear cut list of External Reappear Examinations (Nov./Dec 2022) [Phase-V]
- 13-12-2022 Supplementary Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for Nov/Dec-2022 Examination Session.
- 13-12-2022 Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2022 Examination Session.
- 13-12-2022 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KURUKSHETRA- Sanction order -1653475-FY – 2022-23
- 12-12-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of B.Tech. 1st Semester for NovDec-2022 Examination Session
- 12-12-2022 Supplementary Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (Nov.Dec 2022) [Phase-IV]
- 09-12-2022 Date Sheet End Semester B.Tech Theory Examination Dec.2022 Old/New Scheme (Reappear-Odd/Even Semester ) Civil Engg Deptt.
- 09-12-2022 Date Sheet End Semester M.Tech./Ph.D Theory Examination Dec.2022 (Regular/Reappear-Odd/Even Semester ) Civil Engg. Deptt.
- 08-12-2022 CORRIGENDUM for Change of Exam Centres Nov.Dec. -2022
- 08-12-2022 Provisional Allotment of Open Elective Course to B.Tech. 8th Semester Students of Civil,Computer,IT and ECE Branch in AY 2022-23 ( Last date for sending discrepancy, if any is up to 05:00 pm on 12-12-2022 on )
- 06-12-2022 Supplementary Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (Nov./Dec 2022) [Phase-III]
- 06-12-2022 Schedule of MBA 1st & 3rd Semester End Term Examination (Regular)
- 06-12-2022 Schedule of MBA 1st & 3rd Semester End Term Examination (Re-appear)
- 02-12-2022 Date Sheet for End Sem Exams Nov. Dec. – 2022
- 25-11-2022 Notice for Classes off on 28.11.2022 (Except B.Tech. 1st Sem) and 29.11.2022 (All Students)
- 24-11-2022 List of Students with ‘Pending Sem. Registration’ in Samarth Student Portal, As on 02 Nov 2022.
- 24-11-2022 Inclusion of name of Mr. Milan Kumar Mandal (12221002) Civil Engg. Department in roll sheet of 1st semester
- 24-11-2022 Inclusion of name of Mr. Alan K.C. (12222008) Computer Engg. Department in roll sheet of 1st semester
- 24-11-2022 Inclusion of name of Ms. Diksha Dutta (12223002) Information Technology in roll sheet of 1st semester
- 24-11-2022 Re-Appear Cut List of PG External Examination (Nov-Dec, 2022 Phase-V)
- 23-11-2022 Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (NovDec 2022) [Phase-II]
- 18-11-2022 Re-Appear Cut List of PG External Examination (Nov-Dec, 2022 Phase-IV)
- Supplementary Re-Appear Cut List of External Examination (Nov-Dec, 2022 Phase-III)
- 18-11-2022 Important Notice for Degree Recipients who wish to receive their Degree by Speed Post after 18th Convocation
- 16-11-2022 Notification and time slots of M.Tech. & MCA 1st semester for Mid Semester Exam-II for Nov Dec-2022 Examination Session
- 30-09-2022 Notification regarding Allotment of Open Elective Course for B.Tech 7th Semester (A.Y. 2022-23). (Link for Allotment of Open Elective Course)
- 30-09-2022 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (Nov.Dec 2022) [Phase-I]
- 27-09-2022 Notification Regarding End Semester Examination of NovDec-2022 examinations session for reappear examinees
- 22-09-2022 Notification and time slots of MCA & M.Tech 1st Semester for Mid Semester Exam-I for Nov-Dec 2022 Examination Session
- 09-09-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I for NovDec-2022 Examination Session
- 07-09-2022 Soft copy of Provisional Roll Sheets (Revised) of UG Programs for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2022-23
- 05-09-2022 Schedule for Physical Reporting of M.Tech. Students admitted in NIT Kurukshetra in Academic Year 2022-23 through CCMT-2022
- 18-08-2022 Revised Allotment of RollNo to Students of MTech Programmes Admitted through CCMT-2022 Rounds for AY-2022-23
- 17-08-2022 Allotmentof Roll No to Studentsof MCA Programme Admitted through NIMCET-2022 Rounds for AY-2022-23
- 16-08-2022 Notice for Sessional Improvement Exam for Even & Odd Semester in Odd Semester of Academic Year 2022-23 (Last Date 15.09.2022)
- 08-08-2022 Notification Regarding Reporting Schedule of Newly Admitted MCA Candidates through NIMCET-2022.
- 04-08-2022 Soft Copy of Provisional Roll Sheets of UG & PG Programs (Except B.Tech. & M.Tech. 1st Semester) for Odd Semester of AY 2022-23
- 03-08-2022 Notification regarding Fee Payment Link for Odd Semester 2022-23
- 03-08-2022 Notification Regarding Reporting Schedule of Newly Admitted M.Tech. Candidates through CCMT-2022
- 30-07-2022 Notification regarding revised fee for Ph.D. programme
- 30-07-2022 Notification regarding revised Ph.D. Ordinance
- 25-07-2022 Notification regarding Fine for late registration for Odd semester AY 2022-23
- 25-07-2022 Notification regarding charges for issuing and reissuing documents
- 25-07-2022 M.Tech. viva-voce Exam.
- 25-07-2022 Guidelines for Plagiarism Check
- 22-07-2022 Notification and Registration form for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2022-23 Except 1st Semester of B.Tech.M.Tech.,MBA, & MCA
- 12-07-2022 Revised Notification regarding Income certificate submission for availing rebate in Tuition Fee for Academic Year 2022-23 (Google Form)
- 11-07-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2022) [Phase-XII]
- 05-07-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2022) [Phase-XI]
- 05-07-2022 Notice and list of students who have not submitted the Registration Form upto Even Semester of AY 2021-22
- 15-06-2022 Result of B.Tech. 7th Semester Mech. Engg. 11610660
- 15-06-2022 Notification Regarding Rescheduling Mid Semester Exam-II of B.Tech. 2nd Semester due to IDY 22.
- 13-06-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for MayJune-2022 Examination Session
- 08-06-2022 Notification regarding normalization formula of CMAT-2022 for MBA Admission (A.Y. 2022-23)
- 04-06-2022 ST NSP scholarship sanction letter renewal for AY 2021-22
- 03-06-2022 List of Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2022 Examination Session. (Re-Appear)
- 03-06-2022 List of Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination for MayJune-2022 Examination Session.
- 03-06-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2022) [Phase-X]
- 26-05-2022 Notification regarding Income certificate submission for availing rebate in Tuition Fee for Academic Year 2022-23 (google form link)
- 24-05-2022 Revision in Institute Charges for various UG and PG Programs
- 23-05-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2022) [Phase-X] 23052022
- 19-05-2022 Revised Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for MayJune-2022 Examination Session [20.05.2022 to 21.05.2022]
- 18-05-2022 Schedule of Mid Sem. Exam for the 2nd sem. of B.Tech Offline mode
- 18-05-2022 17.05.2022 Notice of Provisional Allotment of Open Elective courses to the students of B. Tech. 7th semester for AY 2022-23. (B. Tech. Civil, Computer, IT & ECE branches)
- 18-05-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2022) [Phase-IX]
- 12-05-2022Soft copy of Final Roll Sheet of UG programs of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for Even Semester of A.Y. 2021-22
- 11-05-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for MayJune-2022 Examination Session.
- 11-05-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for MayJune-2022 Examination Session.
- 30-04-2022 Notification regarding Allotment of Open Elective Course for B.Tech 7th Semester (A.Y. 2022-23). ( Link for Google Form For B.Tech 7th Semester )
- 30-04-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re Appear Examinations (May/June 2022) [Phase-VI]
- 27-04-2022 Notification Regarding Conduct of Mid Semester Examination and End Semester Examination of B.Tech. 2nd Semester and MCA 2nd Semester of Even Semester of Academic Year 2021-22
- 19-04-2022 Notice Regarding Application For Online Teaching & Evaluation in ongoing Semester for the students suffering from Critical Health Issue [Last Date 23.04.2022, 0500 PM]
- 19-04-2022 Cut List of PG External Re-Appear Examination (May-June, 2022) Phase-II
- 15-04-2022 Decision of Senate for Online Classes & Evaluation during Even Semester of Academic Year 2021-22 for the students suffering from Critical Health Issues.
- 15-04-2022 Notification Regarding conduct of End Semester Examination of Even Semester of Academic Year 2021-22 in offline mode (Except 2nd Semester of B.Tech. & MCA).
- 12-04-2022 Notification and time slots of MCA for Mid Semester Exam-II for May-June-2022 Examination Session
- 12-04-2022 Soft copy of Final Roll Sheet of UG Program of (Except 2nd Semester of B.Tech.) for Even Semester of Academic Year 2021-22
- Notification of Medical Leave of M.Tech. and Ph.D. Students for availing fellowship
- 08-04-2022 Soft copy of Provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech-2021 Batch 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2021-22.
- 07-04-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2022) [Phase-V]
- 06-04-2022Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2022) [Phase-V]
- 05-04-2022 Annexure SBI Collect 05-04-2022 B.Tech. 2021 Batch – Fee Payable Details of 2nd Semester 05-04-2022 Instruction & Fee Structure for 2nd Semester Registration of B.Tech. 2021 Batch 04-04-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2021-22) [Phase-IV]
- 31-03-2022 Notification and Registration Form for Even Semester 2021-22 (B.Tech. 2nd Semester)
- 30-03-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II for MayJune-2022 Examination Session
- 19.03.2022 Date Sheet Theory Exams B.Tech. 1st Semester (REGULAR) March-2022
- 19.03.2022 Detained List of Theory for End Semester Examinations of B.Tech. 1st Semester for NovDec-2021 Examination Session
- 10.03.2022 Notification and time slots of MCA for Mid Semester Exam-I for May-June-2022 Examination_
- 09-03-2022 Supplementary Detained List of (Practical/Integrated) End Semester Examinations of B.Tech. 1st Semester for NovDec-2021 Examination Session under (Phase-II)
- 07-03-2022 Detained List of Practical for End Semester Examinations of B.Tech. 1st Semester for NovDec-2021 Examination Session.
- 03-03-2022 Schedule for Physical Reporting of remaining B.Tech. students admitted in Academic Year 2020-21 through JoSAACSAB-2020
- 02-03-2022 Notification Regarding End Semester Examination for MayJune-2022 examination session for reappear examinees
- 23-02-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2021-22) [Phase-III] 23022022
- 21-02-2022 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune 2021-22) [Phase-II]
- 18-02-2022 Notification for allowing students on campus 18022022
- 17-02-2022 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-I]
- 17-02-2022 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of PG May-June, 2022 Internal Examination (Phase-I)
- 14-02-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I for MayJune-2022 Examination Session.
- 14-02-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II for B.Tech 1st Semester of Academic Year 2021-22.
- 09-02-2022 Notification regarding allowing the students on campus
- 09-02-2022 RECK-66 Alumni Scholarship
- 07-02-2022 List of eligible students of B.Tech. 2013 batch (Mercy Chance) for MayJune 2022 & NovDec 2022 examination session
- 05-02-2022 Final List of Merit Scholarship for Academic Year 2021-22
- 31-01-2022 Important Notice for M.Tech. students admitted in A.Y. 2020 (Last dt. 22.02.2022)
- 31-01-2022 Important Notice for M.Tech. students admitted in A.Y. 2021 (Last Dt. 22.02.2022)
- 28-01-2022 Notice and List of students who have not submitted completed their registration forms for Even Semester of Academic Year 2020-21
- 25-01-2022 Soft copy of Final Roll Sheet of B.Tech-2021 Batch 1st Semester of Academic Year 2021-22
- 21-01-2022 Tentative I list of Merit Scholarship for Academic Year 2021-22
- 20-01-2022 Reappear Result of MCA 1st Semester 51910084,51910095
- 20-01-2022 Result of M.Tech. 1st Semester CE (Env.)
- 20-01-2022 Results of B.Tech. 3rd to 8th Semester Mech. Engg. 11710906
- 20-01-2022 Revised Result B. Tech. 4th Semester Computer Engg. May June 2021
- 20-01-2022 Notification Regarding Grant of Permission for Hostel Leaving and Issues of Students Welfare to be dealt in the Office of Dean (Student Welfare) (
- 19-01-2022 Notification Regarding Internal Examination for May June-2022 Examination Session.
- 12-01-2022 Soft copy of Revised Provisional Roll Sheets of UG Programs of Open Elective for B.Tech 8th Semester (Even Semester) of Academic Year 2021-22
- 11-01-2022 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I for B.Tech 1st Semester of Academic Year 2021-22
- 11-01-2022 Final Allotment of M.Tech. Open Elective 2nd Semester A.Y. 2021-22
- 08-01-2022 Soft copy of Provisional Roll Sheets of UG PG Programs for Even Semester of Academic Year 2021-22.
- 06-01-2022 Tentative Allotment of Open Elective M.Tech. 2021 Batch 2nd Semester
- 05-01-2022 Notification for B.Tech. 2013 batch (Mercy Chance) as per Senate norms
Notifications for Academic Year 2021
- 29-12-2021 Notification and Registration form for Even Semester 2021-22
- 29-12-2021 Notification for Open Elective for M.Tech. 2nd Semester A.Y. 2021-22
- Open Elective Link for M.Tech. 2nd Semester for AY 2021-22
- 24-12-2021 Notification Regarding Attendance Relaxation to all the students having attendance less than 65% during COVID-19 Pandemic Period
- 24-12-2021 Notification Regarding Additional Extension of Six Months for Ph.D. Programs COVID-19 Pandemic Period
- 21-12-2021 Notification and time slots of MCA for Mid Semester Exam-II for Nov Dec-2021 Examination
- 07-12-2021 Tentative list of Merit Scholarship for Academic Year 2021-22
- 04-12-2021 Supplementary Detained List of Theory & Practical End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2021 Examination Session under (Phase-V).
- 1-12-2021 Supplementary List of Maximum ‘D’ Grade for End Semester Examination Nov/Dec-2021 Examination Session
- 30-11-2021 Supplementary Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2021 Examination Session under (Phase-IV)
- 26-11-2021 Supplementary List of M.Tech Students Admitted in 2021-22 for Claim of GATE Scholarship
- 26-11-2021 Re-Appear cut list of PG Nov-Dec,2021_Examination
- 22-11-2021 Date Sheet_(Theory Courses)-1 Btech_regular and reappear_21
- 22-11-2021 Detained List of Theory End Semester Examinations for NovDec-2021 Examination Session
- 22-11-2021 Supplementary Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations NovDec-2021
- 22-11-2021 B.Tech Datesheet Reappear_under Old_Scheme 2016 Batch
- 18-11-2021 Notification and time slots of MCA for Mid Semester Exam-I for Nov Dec-2021 Examination
- 16-11-2021 Detained List of Practical End Semester Examinations NovDec-2021
- 12-11-2021 Attendance benefit for Odd Semester of Academic Session 2021-22
- 12-11-2021 Final cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (Nov/Dec-2021) as decided by the SCSA [Phase-I to II]
- 12-11-2021 Final cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (Nov/Dec-2021) For Formula Based Evaluation [Phase-I to III]
- 10-11-2021 Provisional Re-Appear Cutlist of External Re-Appear Examination (NovDec-2021) for formula based evaluation [Phase-I]
- 10-11-2021 Notification and time slots for M .Tech. Mid Semester Exam-II for NovDec-2021 Examination Session
- 28-10-2021 Provisional Re-Appear Cutlist of Internal Re-Appear Examination (NovDec-2021) as decided by the SCSA [Phase-I]
- 27-10-2021 Important notice regarding income certificate for relaxation in tuition fee for the students of B. Tech. Programs in NIT Kurukshetra, to be admitted through JoSAA/CSAB-2021 counseling process.
- 26-10-2021 Open elective 8th sem 2021-22
- 26-10-2021 Notification & Final Allotment of Open Elective for B.Tech. 8th semester of A.Y. 2021-22.
- 19-10-2021 Notification for Examination on formula based evaluation
- 19-10-2021 Office Order Regarding Provisionally Promoted students in 5th & 7th semester of B.Tech. programs of 2019, 2018 & 2017 batch [A.Y. 2021-22]
- 14-10-2021 Tentative Allotment of Open Elective (OE) Course in 8th Semester of B.Tech Programmes ( Civil, ECE,Computer, IT) during Academic Year 2021-22 [ Including students of IIIT Sonepat of 2018 and 2017 Batches] [ Last date for removal of discrepancy in Open Elective allotment is upto 05:00 pm, 25.10.2021 (Monday)]
- 12-10-2021 Allotment of Roll No to the MCA Students – 2021-22(12.10.21)
- 11-10-2021 Schedule for Physical Reporting of M.Tech. Students Admitted in NIT Kurukshetra in Academic Year 2021-22 through CCMT-2021 and Sponsored Category
- 04-10-2021 Academic Calendar of MCA (1st Semester) for Odd Semester of A.Y. 2021-22
- 02-10-2021 Notice regarding schedule of lab classes in hybrid mode and end semester final practical examinations
- 30-09-2021 Notification Regarding Reporting Schedule and other information for the candidates of MCA Program through NIMCET-2021
- 28-09-2021 Notification and time slots for M.Tech. Mid Semester Exam-I for NovDec-2021 Examination Session
- 23-09-2021 Notification regarding Allotment of Open Elective Course for B.Tech 8th Semester (A.Y. 2021-22). Link for Google Form For B.Tech 8th Semester.
- 21-09-2021 Soft copy of Final Roll Sheets of UG Programs for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2021-22.
- 21-09-2021 List of Not Promoted students in 5th & 7th semester of B.Tech. programs of 2017, 2018 & 2019 batch
- 14-09-2021 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (NovDec-2021) [Phase-III]
- 14-09-2021 Notification Regarding End Semester Examination for NovDec-2021 examination session for reappear examinees
- Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (NovDec-2021) [Phase-II]
- Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (NovDec-2021) [Phase-I]
- 26-08-2021 List of eligible students of B.Tech. 2012 batch (Mercy Chance) for NovDec-2021 & MayJune-2022 examination session
- 28-07-2021 Notice for Sessional Improvement Exam for Even & Odd Semester in Odd Semester of Academic Year 2021-22 (Last Date 31.08.2021)
- 17-08-2021 Academic Calendar of MBA 1st Semester for Odd Semester AY 2021 22
- 17-08-2021 Academic Calendar of M.Tech. 1st semester for ODD Semester of Academic Year 2021-22
- 23-07-2021 Important Notice for all UG students of final Semester regarding the process of obtaining PDC, Final Semester Marksheet and Character Certificate.
- 20-07-2021 Revision in fee refund norms for admission withdrawalcancellation for UG & PG programs(w.e.f 2015-16 onwards)
- 20-07-2021 Income certificate for 18 19 20 Batch
- 19-07-2021 Reg. No dues certificate
- 14-07-2021 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-XVII]
- 10-07-2021 Office Order for the detained students of 2017 batch to repeat in Odd Semesters
- 10-07-2021 Notice and List of students who have not submitted completed their registration forms for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2020-21
- 07-07-2021 Notification regarding the registration schedule in Odd Semesters in A.Y. 2021-22.
- 07-07-2021 Registration form for Odd Semesters in A.Y. 2021-22.
- 07-07-2021 Academic Calendar for Odd Semester of AY 2021-22
- 07-07-2021Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-XVI]
- 07-07-2021 General conditions for submission of income certificate by the students of B.Tech degree Courses
- 05-07-2021 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of InternalExternal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-XV]
- 30-06-2021 Fee & expenses regarding odd semester in AY2021-22.
- 30-06-2021 Notice for MCA Students Under Self Financed Seats
- 30-06-2021 List of Maximum D Grade for End Semester Examination MayJune-2021
- 23-06-2021 Notification regarding Income ceritficate submission for availing rebate in Tuition Fee for Odd sem. 2021-22 (Google form Link for Income certificate submission )
- 22-06-2021 Cashless Medical Insurance Scheme for (2021-22)
- 17-06-2021 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of InternalExternal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-XIV]
- 08-06-2021 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal & External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-XIII]
- 04-06-2021 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II of MCA 2nd Semester for MayJune-2020-21
- 26-05-2021 Tentative Allotment of Open Elective (OE) Course in 7th Semester of B.Tech Programmes ( Civil, ECE,Computer, IT) during Academic Year 2021-22 [ Including students of IIIT Sonepat of 2018 and 2017 Batches] [ Last date for removal of discrepancy in Open Elective allotment is upto 05:00 pm, 31.05.2021 (Monday)
- 17-05-2021 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for MayJune-2020-21
- 17-05-2021 Important Notice regarding MayJune 2021 examination
- 11-05-2021 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-X]
- 10-05-2021 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-IX]
- 04-05-2021 Regarding End Semester Examination for MayJune 2021 examination sessionn for reappear examinees
- 04-05-2021 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-VII]
- 04-05-2021 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of MCA 2nd Semester for MayJune-2020-21
- 04-05-2021 Notification regarding Allotment of Open Elective Course for B.Tech 7th Semester (A.Y. 2021-22). Link for Google Form For B.Tech 7th Semester
- 27-04-2021 Examination Notification for Even Semester of AY 2020-21
- 27-04-2021 Examination Notification for Conduct of M.Tech. Viva-Voce for Even Semester of AY 2020-21
- 23-04-2021 Extension in registration process of 2nd Semester of MCA
- 22-04-2021 Provisional Re-Appear cut list of External Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-VI]
- 19-04-2021 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of B.Tech. 2nd Semester for MayJune 2020-21
- 02-04-2021 Extension in registration process of 2nd semester of B.Tech.
- 02-04-2021 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-II of May/June-2020-21
- 26-03-2021 Revised provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech. 2nd semester for Even Semester of Academic Year 2020-21
- 26-03-2021 Final list of Merit Scholarship for Academic Year 2020-21
- 19-03-2021 Soft copy of provisional Roll Sheet of B.Tech. 2nd semester for Even Semester of Academic Year 2020-21
- 12-03-2021 Tentative list of Merit Scholarship for Academic Year 2020-21
- 04-03-2021 Notification for Re-Appear Examination MayJune-202110-03-2021 Academic Calender of MCA 1st Year (Academic Year 2020-21)
- 20-02-2021 Supplementary Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Re-Appear Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-II]
- 15-02-2021 Notification and time slots for Mid Semester Exam-I of MayJune-2020-21
- 04-02-2021Provisional Re-Appear cut list of Internal Examinations (MayJune-2021) [Phase-I]
- 04-02-2021 Notice for the B.Tech. students who requested for admision withdrawal A.Y. 2020-21.
- 03-02-2021 Notification regarding extension in Registration Schedule for ODD semester (Academic Year 2020-21) Except 2nd semester B.Tech. & MCA 2nd semester
- 01-02-2021 Schedule for B.Tech 1st semester Mid Semester Exam-II
- 21-01-2021 Supplementary-II list of Maximum D Grade for End Semester Examination NovDec-2020
- 21-01-2021 Notification for B.Tech 2012 batch (Mercy Chance) as per Senate norms
- 20-01-2021 Supplementary list of Maximum D Grade for End Semester Examination NovDec-2020 & NovDec-2019
- 19-01-2021 Final Allotment Open Elective for B.Tech. 8th Semester of Academic Year 2020-21.
- 18-01-2021 Final Roll Sheet B.Tech. 8th Sem. Open Elective 2020-21
- 15-01-2021 Notice for Sessional Improvement Exam for Even & Odd Semester in Even Semester of Academic Year 2020-21 (Last Date 16.02.2021).
12-01-2021 Notice regarding provisional allotment of Open Elective for B.Tech. 8th Semester of A.Y. 2020-21.(Link for Provisional Allotment of Open Elective) - 13-01-2021 Notice regarding student’s help desk
- 08-01-2021 M.Tech Open Elective Tentative Allotment of 2020 Batch (2nd Semester)
- 06-01-2021 (Revised) Notification regarding Allotment of Open Elective Course for 8th Semester (A.Y. 2020-21)
- 06-01-2021 Notification regarding opted maximum ‘D’ grade for End Semester Examinations Nov/Dec-2020.
Notifications for Academic Year 2020
- 31-12-2020 Notification and Registration form for Even Semester 2020-21
- 22-12-2020 Notification regarding withdrawn of Open Elective Course for 8th Semester (A.Y. 2020-21)
- 11-12-2020 Notification regarding Allotment of Open Elective Course for 8th Semester (A.Y. 2020-21). Link for Google form
- 03-12-2020 Allotment of Roll No to the candidates admitted in B.Tech Programmes of NIT Kurukshetra through JoSAA-2020/CSAB-2020/DASA-2020/SII/MEA and Important instructions ([Phase-3] ( OR-01 and OR-02)
- 01-12-2020 Provisional Cutlist for Re-appear Examinations in Dec-20 Exams (Phase-V & VI)
- 01-12-2020 Cut list of External Re-appear examinees of B.Tech. All branches(Phase-V) Nov-Dec, 2020
- 01-12-2020 Detained List of B.Tech. 5th Semester Electrical Engineering (A.Y. 2020-21)
- 30-11-2020 Online Class Time Table for B.Tech 1st Semester of Academic Year 2020-21 Time Table Sports Course
- 30.11.2020 Allotment of Roll No to the candidates admitted in B.Tech Programmes of NIT Kurukshetra through JoSAA-2020/CSAB-2020/DASA-2020/SII/MEA and Important instructions ([Phase-1 (Revised) & Phase-2 (New)] ( OR-01 and OR-02)
- 24-11-2020 Important Notification Regarding Re-Appear Examinations December-2020
- 21-11-2020 Notification for Re-Appear Examination December-2020
- 21-11-2020 Academic Calendar for Even Semester of AY 2020-21
- 21-11-2020 Notification Regarding Conduct of ODD & Even Semester Examinations Simultaneously in every semester
- 21-11-2020 Exam Notification for ODD Semester of AY 2020-21
- 27-10-2020 Regarding extension of submission of M.Tech. Thesis and Dissertation
- 26-10-2020 Soft copy of provisional Roll Sheets (Revised) of B.Tech. 5th & 7th semester for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2020-21
- 26-10-2020 Regarding reporting schedule of B.Tech.M.Tech MBA MCA for AY 2020-21
- 23-10-2020 Regarding Course Coordinator
- 22-10-2020 Notification regarding promotion in 5th and 7th semester for B.Tech. students of 2017 & 2018 batch having reappears in 1st and or 2nd year
- 16-10-2020 Application & steps for availing lab/experimental facilities at the institute by M.Tech. (2nd year)/Ph.D. students (Full time)/Project staff
- 10-10-2020 Revised list of Promoted & Not Promoted in 5th semester of B.Tech. programmes of 2017 & 2018 batch
- 08-10-2020 Supplementary Re-Appear cut list of Internal Exam (Phase-III)
- 30-09-2020 Notice regarding reappear in integrated courses (applicable for B.Tech. 2017 batch onwards)
- 07-09-2020 Extension in Registration Schedule for Odd Semester A Y 202021
- 03-09-2020 Notice and Sessional Improvement Form (Applicable for Nov/Dec-2020 Due to COVID-19 Pendamics)
- 13-08-2020 Soft copy of Provisional Roll Sheets of B.Tech. 3rd semester for odd semester of Academic Session 2020-21
- 12-08-2020 Correction in 3rd Sem Marksheet of ECE, 2016 batch
- 12-08-2020 Notice for B.Tech 2018 & 2017 batch Regarding promotion in 5th & 7th semester
- 12-08-2020 Allotment of Open Elective course for 7th Semester
- 01-08-2020 Registeration form and registeration process AY 2020-21
- 31-07-2020 Fee structure for Odd Sem. 2020-21
- 31-07-2020 Annexure ‘SB Collect’
- 28-07-2020 List of students who have not submitted registration forms
- 11-06-2020 Re Appear cut list of PG for May June 2020 examinations
- 11-06-2020 Provisional ReAppear cut list of B.Tech for May June 2020 examinations
- 05-06-2020 No Dues form (Latest)
- 04-06-2020 Notification regarding Best Project & Best All-Rounder awards for the current academic year
- 20-03-2020 Notification Regarding public dealing of students related to the students’ help desk and Academic Section
- 16-03-2020 Attendance of M.Tech. Ph.D. during 13-31 march 2020
- Expression of Intent: 17th Convocation February 20th, 2020
- 30-01-2020 Notice for UG & PG Gold Medalist and Toppers Students of 17th Convocation
- 30-01-2020 17th Convocation Final Date: 20.02.2020(Thursday),now the students may plan their journey accordingly. Please note that the registration and rehearsal will be held on 19-02-2020(Wednesday)
- 21-01-2020 Notification regarding guidelines for Online Courses on NPTEL-SWAYAM and Application form
- 20-01-2020 Re-appear Details of B.Tech. Students 2015 or previous batches for all the semester upto July 2019 Examinations For any discrepancy please contact at Exam Cell
- 13-01-2020 PhD thesis title for any discrepency
- 08-01-2020 Notification for M.Tech Open Elective Courses
- 08-01-2020 Notice & Form for Sessional Improvement of Even Semester (will be held on 13.02.2020 to 15.02.2020)
- 06-01-2020 Notice for Students Help Desk Timing
Notifications for Academic Year 2019 and Earlier
- 20-12-2019 Notification for the_Students of B.Tech. 2017 batch those will be going for One Semester internship_industrial training_project work in the 6th Semester
- 17-12-2019 Registration and Progress report form for 2019_20
- 12-12-2019 Notice for Unregistered Students of 3rd 5th & 7th semester B.Tech Programmes (Odd Semester) of academic session 2019_20.
- 10-12-2019 Date Sheet Corrigendum for the End semester Exam MEPE 17 (Tribology)
- 05-12-2019 Supplementary II Theory Detained List of 5th semester (B.Tech. ME) for Nov_Dec, 2019 Examinations
- 04-12-2019 Office Order for Include_Remove the name in theory Detained list Nov._Dec., 2019
- 03-12-2019 Supplementary_I Detained List for Nov.Dec., 2019
- 03-12-2019 Fee structure for Even Semester 2019_20
- 03-12-2019 Cut List of D Grade Option Phase_I (Nov_Dec_2019) 02_12_2019
- 03-12-2019 Supplementary Theory Detained list of M.Tech Civil Engg.
- 02-12-2019 Theory Detained List for Nov_Dec, 2019 Examinations
- 02-12-2019 B.Tech PIE Scheme & Syllabi till the academic year 2016_17
- 02-12-2019 Combined Re Appear Cut List (Phase-I,II,III) 02_12_19(Nov_Dec_2019)
- 02-12-2019 Re_Appear Cutlist NovDec_2019 (Phase_III)
- 29-11-2019 Fee structure for Even Semester 2019_20
- 29-11-2019 Supplementary_I Practical Detained List Nov_Dec., 2019 Examinations
- 27-11-2019 Re_Appear Practical (External) Date_Sheet for B.Tech during NovDec 2019
- 27-11-2019 Date_sheet for End_term Examination Dec. 2019 MBA
- 27-11-2019 Corrigendum Date Sheet Nov._Dec._2019 (Odd & Even)
- 27-11-2019 Revised Date Sheet Nov._Dec._2019 (Odd & Even)_compressed
- 26-11-2019 Supplementary Detained List of Practical for Nov_Dec., 2019 Examinations
- 26-11-2019 Practical Detaintion List Nov_Dec.,2019 Examinations
- 25-11-2019 Notification for_Registration Even Semester 2019_20
- 25-11-2019 Registration Form for Even Semester 2019_20
- 25-11-2019__Notice_for_Re_appear_Examinees_for_Nov_Dec._2019__Re_AppearCutlistNovDec_2019(P1&2)(SummarySheet)__Re_AppearCutlistNovDec_2019(Revised)(23_11_19)(Phase_I&II)[BranchWise]__Re_AppearCutlistNovDec_2019(Revised)(23_11_19)(Phase I&II)[Branch_Sem Wise] [Last date for reporting discrepency in Cutlist is upto 5pm, 25.11.2019]
- 22-11-2019 Nov_Dec date sheet 2019_(Physics)
- 20-11-2019 Notice for Modified Attendance Rule and Opt for maximum D Grade
- 19-11-2019 Date Sheet Nov._Dec._2019 (Odd & Even_Semester)
- 19-11-2019 Notice for attendance benefits for Nov Dec, 2019 Examinations
- 08-11-2019 OPJEMS 2019 Phase 3 final interview schedule of shortlisted candidates
- 07-11-2019 Annual Athletic Meet CITIUS 2019 Class Schedule on 08.11.2019
- 25-10-2019 Notice Reg. Closing of Student’s Help Desk during Mid Sem. Break w.e.f. 28th to 03th 2019
- 18-10-2019 Notification of Guidelines for question paper from Nov/Dec 2019 Examinations
- 16-10-2019 Notification for Start of Re-Evaluation from Odd Semester, Nov/Dec-2019 Examinations
- Re-evaluation Form
- 16-10-2019 Notification of conduct of Even & Odd Semester End Sem Examination in Nov/Dec-2019 and May/Jun-2020
- 15-10-2019 Notification of Mid Semester Exam-II in Odd semester(2019-20)[23-10-19 to 25-10-19]
- 12-10-2019 Revised Academic Calendar for Even Semester 2019-20
- 12-10-2019 Revised Academic Calendar for Odd Semester 2019-20
- 12-10-2019 Notice Regarding Rescheduling of Mid Semester Exam-II (Revised Dates 23.10.19 to 25.10.19)
- 12-10-2019 Notice for Online test for OPJEMS Scholarship for Academic Session 2019-20
- 10-10-2019 Notification of Odd Semester Examination in Nov/Dec-2019Examination Form
- 10-10-2019 Notice regarding suspension of classes on 11-10-2019 and short period of 35 mins on 10-10-2019 on account of Cultural Fest (Confluence-2019 Remastered)
- 24-09-2019 Notification of Short Period on 26.09.2019 and Teaching_Suspension on 27.09.2019 on account of Techspardha 2019
- 20-09-2019 BR Ambedkar (2019-20) National Merit Award Scheme for meritorious SC students of Sr. Secondary Sch Exam
- 20-09-2019 OPJEMS revised List of Shortlisted candidates for Year 2019-20
- 18-09-2019 ONGC Scholarship for SC & ST Students for Year 2019 20
- 11-09-2019 Suspension of classes
- 06-09-2019 Registration schedule of Mental Health Wellbeing by Round Glass Wellbeing company
- 05-09-2019 Revised Schedule Mid_Semester-I 2019-20 Odd_Semester
- 14-08-2019 Notification of Open Elective for 7th semester 2019-20
- 08-08-2019 FinalRollSheet-BTech-2019 Batch(All Programmes) with Admission and Withdrawal as on 06.08.19_
- 07-08-2019 Notification for_B.Tech 2017 batch students_who were_provisionally included in the roll sheet of 5th semester.
- 07-08-2019 Notification_for Conduct of Remedial_Classes for academically_weak students under TEQIP-III
- 07-08-2019 FinalRollSheet-BTech-2019 Batch(All Programmes)_with Admission and_Withdrawal as on 06.08.19
- 05-08-2019 BTech_2019Batch_1stSemester Final Roll Sheet( For Admission Withdrawal as on 05.08.2019)
- 31-07-2019 Notice for M.Tech Internal Sliding
- 26-07-2019 Corrigendum_for_Special Re-appear_Exams in July_August 2019
- 26-07-2019 Final Allotment Open Elective Courses-to B.Tech 2016 Batch of NITK-IIITS-24.07.19 (Academic Session 2019-20)
- 23-07-2019 Notification of Registration for Odd Semester Academic Session 2019-20
- Registration Form
- 19-07-2019 Schedule for Registration_Academic Session 2019-20
- 19-07-2019 Income Certificate for Registration_Academic session 2019-20
- 18-07-2019 Notice for Student’s Help Desk
- 10-07-2019 Reappear_details of B.Tech. 6th_Semester_2015 batch
- 27-06-2019 Notification for B.Tech 2015, 2016 & 2017 batch students who were disqualified under UMC during No. Dec., 2017 & May June, 2018 examinations
- 25-06-2019 Reappear_Details of B.Tech. 2nd Semester 2015 Batch
- 21-06-2019 Provisional Allotment of Open Elective Course-2016 Batch (any descrepancy report by email on ( before 10.07.2019.
- 15-06-2019 Re-Appear Exam-Form
- 14-06-2019 One Time Special Chance Given to B.Tech. Students of 2015, 2016 & 2017 Batch to Appear Only One Pending R-appear during July 2019
- 11-06-2019 Notice for Maharashtra Domicile SC Students Scholarship 2019-20
- 29-05-2019 Notification for the students of B.Tech. 2017 batch regarding carry forward the pass component of theory or practical part of the integrated_course
- 25-05-2019 Revised Clarification Regarding Evaluation of Integrated Courses of B.Tech Programmes from B.Tech 2017 onwards
- 21-05-2019 Important Note for DASA students
- 20-05-2019 The Odd semester classes of academic year 2019-20 will commence from 25th July 2019. The registration schedule will be uploaded on the Institute website in the month of July
- 20-05-2019 Notice for Final Year UG & PG students who wants their PDC CC & DMC by Speed-Post
- 09-05-2019 Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access(FAEA) Scholarships for Year 2019-20
- 07-05-2019 Notice for collecting the degree_certificate after correction
- 07-05-019 Notice for Counseling in Health_Centre
- 02-05-2019 PMS Haryana SC-BC 2018-19 Extension of Dates for Online_submission of application
- 02-05-2019 Notification of Detention List for Theory Exams May-June_2019
- 27-04-2019 Supplementary Detained list of Practical May-June, 2019
- 25-04-2019 Cut list for the course work exam for PhD Scholars (May-June 2019)
- 25-04-2019 NSP ST Scholarship (Fresh 2018-19) Sanction order – Fno 11021-02-2019-Sch dated 20.03.2019
- 24-04-2019 Notification of Detention List for Practical Exam during May-June, 2019 (1)
- 20-04-2019 Notice & Undertakings format settle for maximum D Grade due to detention in End Semester Exams
- 18-04-2019 Revised letter for Short fall in_attendance in even semester 2018-19
- 16-04-2019 Notice for collecting Hall Ticket for re-appear exam May June_2019
- 16-04-2019 NSP Sanction letter of_SC Scholarship 2014 Batch Students
- 16-04-2019 NSP Sanction letter of SC Scholarship 2013 Batch_Students (4th Year grant)
- 12-04-2019 Applications for Appointing Secretaries of Students Clubs
- 12-04-2019 Notice for B.Tech students who haven’t completed registeration for_Current Even Semester of academic session 2018-19
- 12-04-2019 Notice for B.Tech students who haven’t completed_registeration for Odd & Even Semester of academic session 2018-19
- 11-04-2019 Provisional Re-appear Cut List of Electrical_Engineering for May June, 2019 examinations
- 11-04-2019 Provisional Re-appear Cut List of Information_Technology for May June, 2019 examinations
- 11-04-2019 Regarding Short fall in attendance_in Even Semester 2018-19
- 11-04-2019 Provisional Re-appear Cut List of Production & Industrial Engineering for_May June, 2019 examinations
- 11-04-2019 Notice to submit attendance_benefits
- 10-04-2019 Provisional Re-appear Cut List of Electronics & Comm. Engineering for May June, 2019_examinations
- 10-04-2019 Provisional Re-appear Cut List of Computer_Engineering for May June, 2019 examinations
- 10-04-2019 Notice to collect_Bar-Coded Student ID-Cards for UG, PG & Ph.D. students
- 10-04-2019 Provisional cut list of Civil Engineering for May June 2019_examinations
- 09-04-2019 Notification of Allotment of Open Elective Course to B.Tech 2016 batch for 7th Semester during Odd Semester of Academic Session_2019-20
- 05-04-2019 Notice for merit Scholarship for Academic Session 201
- 04-04-2019 M.Tech admissions through CCMT-2019 (for more information Click here)
- 02-04-2019 Sanction letter of SC Scholarship 2015-19 Batch Students
- 27-03-2019 Notification of Eligibility Status for Mercy Chance B.Tech 2010 batch
- 26-03-2019 Notification & Schedule for_Mid Semester Exam-II for Even Semester 2018-19
- 23-03-2019 Reimbursement of GATE registration fee under TEQIP-III
- 20-03-2019 Notification of Merit_Scholarship_for academic session 2018-19
- 12-03-2019 Notice for collecting_bar-coded ID-Cards of 2018_admitted students
- 11-03-2019 Public_Notice_Korean_Govt_Sch_2019_2000
- 08-03-2019 New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarship 2019
- 06-03-2019 Chinese Government Scholarship 2019-20
- 02-03-2019 DAAD Webinar Series – Study in Germany
- 28-02-2019 Tentative Merit Scholarship lists for B.Tech 2017 2016 & 2015 batch_for the academic year 2018-19
- 23-02-2019 Notification for B.Tech 2010 batch (Mercy Chance) as per Senate norms
- 15-02-2019 Notice for Bar-coded Id-Card for B.Tech M.Tech MBA and MCA_students admitted in 2018-19
- 15-02-2019 NITK MBA 2018 batch Bar-Coded Id-Card Data
- 15-02-2019 NITK MCA 2018 batch Bar-Coded Id-Card Data
- 15-02-2019 IIITSonepat B.Tech 2018 batch Bar-Coded Id-Card Data
- 15-02-2019 NITK B.Tech 2018 batch Bar-Coded Id-Card_Data
- 15-02-2019 NITK M.Tech 2018 batch Bar-Coded Id-Card Data
- 14-02-2018 Notice for_Student Help Desk_Timing
- 01-02-2019 Notice for Regular Students who have lost their Plastic Bar-Coded ID-Card
- 28-01-2019 Notification & Schedule for Mid Semester Exam-I (Even Semester 2018-19
- 22-01-2019 Notification for Re-appear Examination May June-2019
- 22-01-2019 Form for Re-appear Examination May June-2019
- 16-01-2019 Notice & Form for Sessional Improvement Even Semester 2018-19
- 15-01-2019 Notification Regarding Extension in Registration Schedule for Even Semester 2018-19
- 15-01-2019 Notice for B.Tech 2017 batch Regarding promotion in 5th semester
- 03-01-2019 Notice for Exam related Query of students